
July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July!

Above is a snapshot from my trusty iPhone, taken right before sunset the other day. (Can you see where Marty managed to do two photobombs?) I put out the little flags in the flowers beds at the beginning of the week, and they will remain there throughout the long holiday weekend. That’s my home office on the right, and you can catch just a glimpse of the hummingbird feeder hanging from a glass pane. The foster holly is scraggly on top, unfortunately, because I am too short to do a proper trimming job. The daylilies have been spectacular this summer.  Some varieties are done for the season, but a few are still going strong with blooms.

Thank you all so much for the birthday greetings and comments for Mr. Jim and me. I have best blogging buddies! I am going to treat him to lunch out again today. We couldn’t manage it yesterday because I had a doctor’s appointment, and he had to stay home to sign for a package delivery from B&H Photo. Mr. Jim is getting stronger day-by-day as the chemotherapy medications get purged from his system. So I am going to go ahead and have hernia surgery on Thursday next week. We’re hoping that we can manage the household by ourselves, even though I will be on strict weight lifting restrictions for six weeks.

Goodness knows how well I will be faring for the upcoming photo challenge.  I will try to schedule my post in advance.  If I feel well enough to visit participants, the comments will probably be done via my iPad and kept brief.

It’s going to be a low-key celebration here, though we may light up some old-fashioned sparklers after dark. There will be some fireworks in the neighborhood, I’m sure.  Some test shots were going off last night at 11 p.m. Unlike our friends on the east coast, the weather should be beautiful.

I hope that you have a terrific July 4th holiday weekend!


  1. Happy 4th, Donna, to you two. We are home and keeping it simple and relaxing today.. We hope to grill some steaks and maybe watch the local fireworks tonight.

    Happy Birthday to Jim --and YOU... Hope you both take some time to do lots of celebrating this month.


  2. i like your sweet patriotic corner. oh, BLESS YOU with the surgery!

  3. Surgery after're a tough pair, you two are. Now it's Jim's turn to play nurse. Have a great lunch out and enjoy the weekend! (Your home always looks wonderful! Soon Jim will feel well enough to lop off the scragglers.)

  4. Surgery? Oh my goodness! Well, obviously it needs to be done; I just hate you have to. If I lived near you guys, I'd be a nurse to you both. Here's hoping it won't be too bad on you guys.

    Enjoy the lunch! Enjoy being together on America's birthday. God bless you both.

  5. happy July 4 and have a safe, uneventful surgery. good news re. Jim and I haven't a clue what a photobomb is but your photo is lovely.

  6. all the best with your take it easy and just plod along the two of you! Goodness what a time of it you have had...xx

  7. I'm a day late but I hope you had a happy 4th

  8. I know I've said it and I'll say it again...I love your house! Good luck with your surgery on Thursday,

  9. I love your patriotic flag display Donna - good for you!
    It's such wonderful news that Mr Jim is home, how lovely for you both.
    The sparklers sound like me, I'm not fond of sky rockets and the like anymore - age showing I know!!
    Shane xox

  10. I'll be remembering you as you have your surgery tomorrow Donna. I hope all goes well and that your recovery is excellent and speedy. Blessings, Pam


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!