
July 2, 2014

Photo of the Week - Long Canyon Vista

Burr Trail, Grand Staircase National Monument, Utah

The section of the Burr Trail that overlooks Long Canyon is nothing short of spectacular. But the view is especially impressive when the cottonwood trees get decked out with their spring foliage.


  1. Now, that is GORGEOUS!

    Hugs and prayers for you and Mr Jim.

  2. Ohhhhhh...those are trees! I thought it was grass and shrubs...must take a closer look as this is going to change my perspective.

  3. It is beautiful. The best part of a view like this is not a power line in sight and nothing that implies civilization . Love it

  4. Wonderful colors. Sorry I haven't been around, my computer is flat lined, and my tech support is on vacation, I may have to do this myself...

  5. There for a moment I thought you had taken us to the Grand Canyon! Beautiful photo. I would love to see that for myself. Maybe someday!


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