October 16, 2010

Photo Challenge: Fast Food

It’s time for another Brenda Photo Challenge! The theme is Fast Food. This particular subject threw me for a loop a bit. The last thing I want to do is drag my big camera to a fast food restaurant. So I decided to do a “Donna-twist”. Yeah, that’s my special way of taking something ordinary and making it a bit unique.

Who says that the fast food has to be for only humans? Why not grizzly bears too? I call this photo “when bears dream of fast food”! Don’t you think the look on the fish is priceless?

I used two techniques to give the photo a dreamlike effect. First, I duplicated the image and applied a Gaussian blur, masking over the bear and his prize catch so that they remain in focus. Then, I applied a raggedy frame-style textured layer for enhancement.

The camera settings were f/5.6, 1/250 second, and ISO 1000. The zoom lens was set at 200mm focal length.


  1. Oh Donna that's a great shot! And I love how you played with it too. Always fun to put your own twist on one of these challenges. I've moved back to blogger. Had some trouble with someone reading my blog I didn't want so starting fresh.

  2. Love this picture my friend and I love the take on the Fast Food theme. You are something you know that? LOL!
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Hahahahaa....Can't get Any Faster than This!!
    Great shot as Well!! Did you wade out there to take this???? Brave Woman!!

  4. Thanks for the camera talk. Love the bear and his fast food. And yes, the look on the fish. Do fish have facial expressions?

  5. Wonderful photo! A great take on fast food and yes fast food is for animals too! Well done!

    Sandy from the heart of Texas

  6. I'm sure noone else will have a fast food picture like yours! Its a wonderful picture and a great way to sharea scene from your vacation!

  7. Great picture..is it wrong that I feel bad for the fish?!

  8. Donna,
    This is amazing!!! Fast food...you got it right! What a shot...! I stand in awe...

  9. Love this! And what a fun take on "fast" food!!!

  10. LOL I love the Donna twist. It's perfect. That is one great picture and what you did to it looks awesome

  11. I was almost waiting to see someone being chased by the bear. when we 1st went into bear country they had us wear bear bells and I kept thinking dinner bell.Hardly even saw one.Nice twist.

  12. Aha, well done Donna. Great shot. Amazing!

  13. Now thinking about and looking at a fish's expression have never been on my radar screen before this minute. Ha! You crack me up.

  14. The fish is suitably stunned (life flashing before its eyes and all that) and the bear is ecstatic. I love me some grizzly bear chowing down. Wonderfully unique twist on the fast food photo challenge, my dear friend!

  15. Great photography. How close to that bear were you? :)

  16. Thanks everyone for your sweet comments! I took this picture from a brand new bear-viewing station at the park. It is elevated above the river. This bear was located perhaps about 30-40 feet away. He could have cared less that there were a bunch of folks up on an embankment, cranking their cameras as fast as they could go!


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!