December 5, 2010

Williamsburg Arrival

After enjoying a spectacular drive through a snow-blanketed landscape, we safely arrived at Colonial Williamsburg in early afternoon.  We visited this historical landmark in the spring last year, and it looks vastly different at Christmas time!  Each of the buildings is decked out in gorgeous natural swags and wreaths.  I'm going to do my best the next few days to record most of them with my camera!  The crowds were pretty extensive, which is pretty much expected for a Sunday.

After a delightful dinner tonight at the Williamsburg Lodge Tavern, we ducked outside to witness the Grand Illuminations fireworks display in the historical area.  This celebration is held the first Sunday of each December.  Oh. My. Gosh!  It was unbelievably fun to be standing right below the spectacular fireworks on a brisk December night.  I will remember this always, holding on to my sweetie, and whooping with each light burst in the dark sky.  This is one event that lives up to the hype!

If you ever get a chance to visit this destination, no matter the season - GO!!!   


  1. I just love Williamsburg! My parents took me several times when I was young and J and I have made several treks.
    Looking forward to your updates!
    xo, misha

  2. The wreath is awesome! So glad you guys are having fun; it makes my heart smile. Love ya!!

  3. Oh we've wanted to visit there, for ages.

    But you will take me there, via photos and words. :-)

    Btw, I took off Comment Ver., to give it a try. :-) Thought you'd find that interesting. ,-)

  4. Oh that wreath is a lovely combination of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Who'd have thought it possible. I'm grinning imagining you enjoying the fireworks!

  5. This sounds perfectly idyllic! I love such times! Wonderful fun. Merry Christmas!

  6. I would love to go there, especially at Christmas time.

  7. -chuckle- Guess I'm not really a dare-devil, about no Word Ver. or Comment Ver. 'Cause I have it set to..... Any comments after ONE day, have to be vetted by me. :-)

    It's not the SPAM, which I'm wary of... It's some nasty comment on my political views, which I am on the watch for. "Been there, done that, have the T-shirt." :-( Not going there, with this "Auntie" blog.

    We gotta' do what keeps us calm, and this will keep me calm... Comment Ver after 1 day of an entry being posted. No crap-o-la can get in, this way. [I hope.]

    Enjoy your wonderful trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I'm sure it's spectacular there in Williamsburg this time of the year. That wreath is just gorgeous!


  9. I'll bet you had a Blast! What a wonderful sight to see!
    Love the wreath!!

  10. I look forward to seeing the Christmas decorations...I bet they are beautiful. I know you'll capture them perfectly for us!


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