
August 2, 2011

August - A Look Ahead

Alert! Christmas is less than five months away! Haha, I couldn’t resist saying that, particularly since most of us are broiling with the summer heat this year. We were basking in the cool Alaska weather last week and now it feels like a sauna whenever I go outside. Ah, but the weather will always be a’changing, so we adjust.

This month I will concentrate on settling back into routines, working, and resting. As much as we love our journeys, it is so comforting to be home once again. The trip made my spirit soar and my legs sore, LOL. We’ll be returning to the fitness center again this month. We’re also going to be cutting back on food portions and eating more vegetables and fruit. The goal will be to build up a little bit more stamina before the next trip! 

I jumped back into the working world again yesterday. It’s amazing how much my brain turned into a gelatinous puddle during my absence and how much I forgot. It’s a good thing that I wrote down the multitude of computer passwords I need! It will be a busy month, but I am quite grateful for the work and the extra cash in these tumultuous economic days. The groceries sure aren’t getting any cheaper at the store!

A few outside tasks will need our attention this month. Lawn weeds are sprouting up and must be zapped. Daylily stalks and the lavender plants need trimming. And we should finally be getting a bid on building a block retaining wall for the flowerbed on the front left-hand side of the house. Whether the work begins this month or not will remain to be seen. Oh yes, and the hummingbirds will once again be fed! They had to have been quite dismayed when the feeders ran dry last month. But all was forgiven and they arrived in droves this weekend when hubby put out some fresh sugar water for them. They are fighting each other like crazy and drinking down the sugary joy juice, building up energy reserves for their fall season sojourn down south. 

I may finish up a sewing project or two, but my spare time will mostly be spent by organizing and digitally processing the Alaska photographs. Okay, quiet down! I can hear those cheers and whoops! Since we don’t ever anticipate a return to Alaska, we went overboard on snapping our cameras and filling up our digital cards. During one hyperactive photo shoot at a bear observation platform, my shutter finger actually went numb! LOL, that was a first! But that just means I increased my chances of getting some really good images that show off each individual creature’s personalities. If you haven’t done so already, please vote in my poll over on the sidebar to tell me which kind of photos you want to see first. So far, it looks like “scenic wonders” is winning!


  1. oh my, I don't even want to start thinking about Christmas.
    Your shutter finger actually went numb huh? That's a lot of snapping. Can't wait to see

  2. Oh no, your finger actually went numb? That can't be good. I can be patient when I must and for a good cause. Don't want to pressure an already overworked gal. You're right about those groceries and the economy truly is a vile, stinking mess. Sigh. Let's get off that one.

  3. That's funny about your finger. You must have been a shooting maniac. LOL!
    I can't wait to see them. I bet they are all good and you're going to have a hard time choosing which ones to show on your blog. Maybe you'll have to do a slide show or something.

    Have a great night my friend.

  4. I love all your photos whatever you decide to post will be a treat. Glad to hear your hummingbirds are back.

  5. OK you just ruined my day by mentioning Christmas! Just kidding but it's true...this year is just flying by! Can't wait for the pics!!

  6. Merry Christmas, my friend! I just thought I'd be the first to send you holiday greetings since you were so kind to remind us of the eminent arrival of that great day! Can't wait to see more of your adventures in Alaska. It's a dream we have - a hoped-for trip. One of these days!

  7. bwaaaahahahaha how I long for a day when my shutter finger goes numb! LOL girl you are a hoot.

    I LOVE your "August" picture. Just stunning.

    It is mighty hot. I have been working out in the pool late in the day, when the garage shields the pool area from the waning but still-powerful sun. We're going for a high of 103 today so the water will be like a sauna ... soothing on my muscles! Also have you and Mr. Marty ever tried vegetable and fruit juicing? I have an old but very good Acme Juicerator and I have been slurping up excellent veggie and fruit drinks ... very satisfying, low-calorie, fat-free, and without any processing! I feel great and even a bit thinner. My favorite recipe is the "green lemonade" which is done with kale, celery, ginger, lemon, granny smith apple, cucumber ... I also add a Roma tomato and a few carrots. YUMMMMM!

    Also refreshing is a drink of several carrots, one granny smith, and a lemon. Incredibly good.

    Just thought I'd share.

  8. Christmas! I can hardly believe it's August already! The only shopping for me this week is helping to buy Hunter's school supplies. You would NOT believe the list for kindergarten! I'm surprised they didn't add in a ruler though. LOL

    Have a wonderful day, my dear sweet friend. ((hugs))

  9. It's Christmas???Hahaaaa
    Believe it or not, I started shopping last weekend....

    Can't WAIT for the photo show to BEGIN! Got popcorn on the Ready!Hahaa
    Have I said...Glad You're HOME???
    Well, I am....


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