
August 13, 2011

Coming Up for Air

Isn’t this a neat book jacket cover? Hubby had kept this book over the years and it resides in his office library. The old pictures in it are a scream. But the book has some great nuggets of photography information that are just as helpful now as it was back then. 

In case you have been wondering, yes, I am alive. My poor blog has gotten a little ignored lately. I also haven’t been visiting your blogs as much lately either. Work, life, and digital editing activities have taken priority. Please raise your hand if you think that there are not enough hours in the day too! 

Ah, but here is the good news. The first Alaska photo series will get posted next week next week! Marty says, “Hip-hop-hooray!”


  1. My hand is raised. Can you see it? I'm still plugging away at working on getting ready for the craft show. That is a cool book jacket

  2. Me Two!!! It's Hot, I'm tired of working, and it's 5AM before I know it!!!Hahaaa
    Can't wait for the photos!

  3. Ha! Now, maybe that book even I could understand!!

    Have a blessed Sunday, Donna! ((hugs))

  4. Wow---look at that book... How neat!!!!! WELL---I'm waiting to see those Alaska photos.

  5. I'm with Sally on this one!

    Love it and looking forward to Alaska beauties :)

  6. Could you share just one? Different camera angle perhaps?


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!