
October 20, 2011

Ups and Downs

I took off my HUGE bandage this morning and was able to take a shower without a plastic bag over my hand. Progress! The incision looks pretty good, and I’ve got it covered with some gauze and tape. 

Oh my, I can now type, hit the spacebar with my thumb, and not hit about half of the entire keyboard! Life is good if I can use a keyboard, LOL. So I got online this afternoon and commenced to do some consulting work. Ah, I was doing really well until my chair decided to roll out from under me. Ker-PLOP, I fell to the floor! OK, it was louder than a standard, run-of-the-mill ker-PLOP. It was probably more like a ker-BOOM. And I added some verbal commentary for good measure and emphasis.  Of course. 

Thankfully, I fell cleanly on my ample backside and didn’t mess up my bionic knee or any other appendage while I was ker-PLOPping. Dear hubby helped me get back up and quickly loaned me his office chair (which is not possessed with an unsettling mean streak). The offending chair is my sewing chair, with no arms and a small base with rollers. It was never meant to serve as an office chair. But I put it into temporary use while I’ve had the extra desk and work computer set up. 

The stupid chair is going to be replaced. Now I’m sore all over!


  1. So glad you didn't hurt yourself, do get yourself a proper chair.

  2. P.S. Love your little golden book.

  3. Ouchie! That's not good! Take care of yourself and try to heal up completely before anything else happens! Sending you some booboo HUGS! ♥

  4. Oh Donna! Why are we both still suffering with less than satisfactory chairs? It's crazy. I hobble away from mine every day and probably need the shock therapy mentioned in the cartoon and YOU! Your falling on your keister. Now really, someone's going to get seriously hurt. Okay. You go first and report back.

  5. You're falling... Some days I know things; some days not so much.

  6. Well Donna? Good grief, girl. Take better care of yourself! We NEED you! Every inch of your adorable self is needed! Thou art crucial to the scheme of things.

    So be careful.

  7. Take it easy my friend. Don't be falling out of any more chairs. I hope you feel better tomorrow and aren't as sore.
    The cartoon is hilarious and I think you should hunt that chair down. Shoot, I think I'll hunt that chair down.

  8. Oh Dear Ms DoNNA!!!! be careful,and Look after yourself xo

  9. Oh my. Now you do know that just because it's fall outside it doesn't mean you have to make it fall inside :) Glad you weren't hurt

  10. Oh goodness. I'm thinking you are not the only one this has happened to. So thankful you didn't get hurt!

    Glad you're thumb is on the mend. I'm sure it was painful and aggravating...((hugs))

  11. OMWord Girl!!! Throw that dangerous thing OUT! Go shopping for a Good chair...My Aunt did the same thing with a rolling kitchen chair...fell flat on her bottom...but it Saved her life! She had uterine cancer and when she fell like that, she started bleeding and immediately saw the Doctor...saved her life...
    Go Shopping!!Hahaaa

  12. So glad you weren't hurt - and that your hand is healing well. Take care of yourself, my friend.

  13. I'm glad you're on the mend and I hope you don't do any damage with the ker-ploping chair. :-) I need a chair like the one in the toon.


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