
October 15, 2011

Wildlife Wonders of Alaska - Moose!

My Alaska photos aren’t over, so dry those tears. Now I’m going to start sharing some of my wildlife photos! And first up is an animal that you immediately associate with Alaska: the stately moose. 

These creatures are the largest of the deer family. Weighing in from 800 -1600 pounds, they stand about 5-6.5 feet at the shoulder. They are BIG! As vegetarians, they eat massive amounts of twigs, leaves, shrubs, and other plants – up to 44 pounds a day.

Of course, their most recognizable feature of the males is the pair of antlers. Bull moose antlers are grown and cast off each year. The size of the palms, antler spread, and number of tines increase each year until the bulls reach about six years old. Antler development starts in April or May and they are covered with a dark brown, velvety skin. They drop their antlers from late November through February. 

Isn’t this a handsome fellow? He resides at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center, which takes care of injured or orphaned animals. I really enjoyed the aerial perspective. No, I wasn’t hanging out over a pond from the upper branches of a tree! I was able to observe this moose from the safety of an observation tower. 

We spotted this momma moose and calf just as we were leaving Denali National Park. While they wandered through the tall brush, we were able to take a few photos from the transport bus. Isn’t this sweet?


  1. Glad that you were taking photos from the safety of an observation tower. Big bodies and wee brain don't always make for safe conditions in the wild. Amazing photos. Can you imagine sprouting antlers and having to wear them for months then losing them again? How strange is that?!

  2. Best pictures of moose I have ever seen! Beautiful!!

  3. totally awesome photos Donna!!
    I think Marty would do a super hop skip and jump if he ran into these mommas and fellas!

  4. Had to return to enlarge after your comment. Gosh, those water patterns are amazing.

    (I was signed out and had to sign back in. I was shocked to discover that they now want one's phone number in case one forgets her password! Unbelievable. Of course, one can skip that step, but it was a start now let me tell you.)

  5. I just came by to catch up, I love seeing your photos; it's almost like taking a trip with you.

  6. Donna you inspired us to watch a documentary on Denali National park last night. They showed all three terrains. It was breathtaking and I kept telling my husband, "You've got to see Donna's pictures, they are even better!"
    Keep em' coming my friend.

  7. Amazing shots. Love that last one of mama and baby

  8. For a minute I thought you were trying to hop on him!! Great picutres as always!

  9. I've been catching up on your posts and love all the Alaska pictures. You got some beautiful shots of moose! That profile shot (third one down) is my favorite. It's like taking a mini vacation when I visit your blog! :)

  10. Awesome photos, Donna... Love that third one showing his eyes.... Thanks!!!

  11. Those moose sure aren't the most beautiful of God's creations, are they? LOL! But totally interesting, that's for sure. Nice photos! (I have new ones up on my Facebook today.) Jackie

  12. As I scrolled own over each Picture my Kids Jaws were dropping! Tnhe pic's are just amazing Ms Donna!....Think of you often xo

  13. Oh my goodness, that closeup! He's nibbling so daintily I don't know how he's going to eat 44 pounds ...

  14. Aren't they odd looking creatures...and BIG! We saw some when we visited Alaska! Thanks for bringing back good memories! ♥


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