
December 24, 2011

Christmas Gifts

Upon reflection of what this special time of year means and the countless moments that have shaped my world, I am filled with love and gratitude. 

May your Christmas celebrations touch your heart, and may you discover those same gifts.


  1. Merry Christmas to you and your precious little household, Donna. You and Jim do so much for others throughout the year that I pray even a fraction of it will come back to you in gifts, love, happiness, and well wishes, which will make your sweet hearts even fuller. You are loved and cherished more than you know. Oh, and ... Happy NOBAMA New Year! Bwaaaha.

  2. Merry Christmas to YOU and YOURS, Donna. Hope you are feeling MUCH better --and can spend some time with your Sweetie.

  3. Merry Christmas to you and your husband! I hope this holiday fills you with joy and happiness. Warm Southern hugs, Diane ♥

  4. Wishing you and your husband a Merry Christmas! Hope you both get to feeling better soon.

  5. My Friends, My Angels
    I believe in angels
    Those helpers who are near
    Exactly when they're needed most,
    Then seem to disappear.
    I know them when I see them
    Whatever their disguise
    They're patient and encouraging
    Resourceful, kind, and wise

    Yes, I believe in angels
    The kind that heaven sends
    And I'm surrounded every day
    By angels I call friends.
    God gave me someone special
    When He gave me
    A special friend like you
    Have a Blessed Christmas!
    - Author Unknown

    I thought this was so suits you!
    Merry Christmas friend!

  6. Love and hugs to you both.

    I'm especially joyful this Christmas. God has been so good. :)

  7. Merry Christmas to you and yours this special time of year. Everyone should be as blessed as we are.

  8. A very Merry Christmas to you and yours and a wish for a happy and healthy New Year

  9. Merry Christmas, Donna & Jim! :)


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!