
January 10, 2012

Wildlife Wonders of Alaska - Coyote

This handsome fellow is dubbed Wile E. by the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center staff. He was named after the famed coyote that got outwitted by a roadrunner bird, time and time again, in “The Road Runner” cartoons (1940s–1960s). Wile E. lives in the brown bear enclosure at the Center and is normally quite elusive. On the day of our visit, he ventured out just a few brief moments to check us out. We never did see any of the bears!

Here’s the tender background story that the staff told us about Wile E. He came to the Center as an abandoned pup and was raised to adulthood. Then they decided to release him back into the wild. Wile E. must have decided that life was pretty good at the Center, because he showed back up several months later and managed to get back in the enclosure. They never did figure out how he managed these feats. This was the only home he knew, so he found a way!

This is the last of my series Wildlife Wonders of Alaska series. I hope you have enjoyed seeing photos of many of God’s great creatures!


  1. They are such pretty animals aren't they? When you got it good you don't want to lose it. I don't blame him for finding a way back in. LOL! Smart animal.

  2. This was a wonderful treat for us who have not been at these great places. Thank You so much for organizing and sharing your wonderful photos.

  3. Donna! Thank you so much for your comments on my blog about a cruise to Alaska. I really appreciate all your info! Blessings...

  4. Oh I forgot to say that I share your feelings about revisiting places we love in this new age of digital photography!!

  5. Well I do believe that this Wile E is much more handsome than the original :

  6. Wile E is no dummy... Why would anyone want to live out there in the 'wild' when they can live in a wonderful Center?????? I'm not surprised that he came back.


  7. Wile E is a smart one!

    Thank you for sharing, Donna. I'll never get to Alaska and this has been like our own personal tour. You
    did a wonderful job of capturing all the wildlife :)

  8. Wile E certainly IS a handsome fellow. We have lots of coyotes around here. I can hear them occasionally but I haven't seen one in a long time! They certainly can be elusive!

  9. Awwwwww!! He Came Home! I love it! And the series was Beautiful Donna...You Sure do know how to take a great photo!!

  10. I have really enjoyed this series! I hope you'll bring it back again later on! Love all of your photos...the one you took for your banner is amazing! Take care my friend! Stay warm! ♥♥♥

  11. nice job and very interesting...great fav!

  12. Wile E is so handsome. I'd like to hug his neck. What beautiful pictures of him, Donna. I can tell your emotional attachment to your subjects. It's what makes your pictures great.


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!