
January 5, 2012

Wildlife Wonders of Alaska - Harbor Seals

One of the marine mammals that you can usually spot during a cruise around the coast of Alaska is the harbor seal. We saw this group off of Aialik Bay in Kenai Fjords National Park. The harbor seal is known as a “sea dog” since it looks like an earless dog when it sticks its head out of the water. Their faces are quite adorable, and some of the ones in this photo look like they are sharing a private joke about the pesky tourists. 

The thick coats of the harbor seals tend to be grayish color with black spots or rings. Even though they molt yearly, these markings will remain and are unique to individual seals. Most of the darker colors appear on their backs. This is a defense mechanism so that they blend in with the water when viewed from above. 

Harbor seals are excellent divers and have something called a dive reflex. This dive reflex is activated when the seal submerges its head. It automatically causes the seal to hold its breath, slow its heartbeat, and reduce the amount of oxygen being delivered to all organs except the brain and the heart. This dive reflex works so well that the seal is even able to sleep underwater and subconsciously come to the surface for oxygen throughout its slumber. What a trick!


  1. That is very cool about their dive reflex. I'm sure there are divers all over the world who wish they had such a thing. The coat on the seal all the way on the lower right is so beautiful. Should I confess to drooling over a seal coat? Probably not, but I would like a fabric done in that pattern and shade. It'd be lovely.

    The idea of seals being surly or sneering is comical. If they're making a comment, I imagine them to be Cary Grant or David Niven types. ;>

  2. I like Vee's comment! They do look like they each have their own personality! Great photo! Hugs! ♥

  3. Love that picture and I didn't know that about them. I wish I could do that when I sleep.LOL!

    Have a great night my friend.

  4. They are wonderful. What an adventures.

  5. The seals are so neat... When my son worked in Alaska, he sent us lots of pictures of the seals ---along with the Humpback Whales and the Orcas.

    Happy 2012.

  6. Their coats look like velvet! What an interesting fact you have posted about their dive reflex I learned something new today!

  7. The photo is Beautiful Donna...and wouldn't it be nice to be able to sleep, submerged in warm water? Wonderful!

  8. The one seal does seem to have an expression that says "what are you looking at lady?" :) They are cute though and how cool about the diving reflex. Pretty convenient to be able to subconsciously go to the surface also.

  9. Wow...they all seem to have different expressions! What are you looking at, sleeping and the one on the left looks like he's laughing...out loud!! LOL

    Great shot Donna :)

  10. Love these guys. Glad they are still around in places.

  11. Oh, I love that photo. Their expressions are wonderful!

  12. Their faces are truly wonderful, so expressive, and what fascinating creatures in other ways too. Our (and their) Creator has an incredible imagination and a pretty great sense of humor too!


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