
December 9, 2013

1000th Post Celebration!

Holy cow, this is my 1000th post! And January 1st will mark my 6-year anniversary! It’s hard to believe that I have blogging that long because it has gone by in a flash. Who would have thought that my fingers could type that much and my wee noggin could think of that many things to say? And I have to give a lot of credit to my dear readers and blogging buddies for improving my photography along the way. You keep motivating me to do better!

Thank you for your continued support and visiting this little spot on the World Wide Web. There are a ka-zillion other places where you can visit during your busy lives, so I am honored that you stop in here from time to time. I still shake my head in wonderment at the magic of the Internet and how it connects me with people all over the world.

It is customary to have a little giveaway with each of my celebrations, and this occasion is no different. I am giving away two of my 2014 photo calendars and two sets of my photo note cards. And this giveaway is similar to my last one, with an easy-peasy style that favors those visitors who take the time to leave comments. There are no sign ups or hoops to jump through! All of the comments on my December posts (to date) went into the proverbial hat for the giveaway, and I used a random number generator.

Without further ado, here are the lucky winners:

Desktop Calendar
Jeanette of Net on the Net

Set of Photo Cards

Congratulations, ladies! I will be getting in touch with each one of you to confirm mailing information.

And thank you, everyone, for your loyal friendship!


  1. congrats to your winners! as a calendar winner last year, i know how much they'll enjoy those gifts!!! :)

  2. congratulations on your 1000th post. I look forward to many more. Congratulations to your lucky winners also

  3. Congratulations to you!!! 1000 post!!! Wow, wishing you a 1000 more!


  4. Wow- that's quite a milestone! 1000 posts! I look forward to many more. Congrats also to your lucky winners!

  5. 1,000 posts! Congratulations! That's quite an accomplishment.

  6. I yelped! Me? Really? This is so exciting. I am thrilled beyond words! Thanks so very much.

    Oh, I probably should congratulate you on 1000 posts! And I do. Here's to many many more!

  7. And congrats to all the blessed gals!

  8. congratulations you lucky ladies! I'm so jealous

  9. You have certainly brought some wonderful changes to my life Donna.
    For example, making photography more challenging and helping me improve with your generous tutorials and personal e-mails.
    Then there have been your words that have made me relive my months of cancer treatment long ago. While holding Mr. Jim close in my thoughts as he went boldly forth these past months and fought to regain his health, always grateful to be a survivor, I am now even more thankful every single day when I wake and have another chance to partake in all the beauty of the world outside the window.

    You will continue with your lovely posts and beautiful photos I'm certain. We all know blogging consistently takes effort. We are all busy with life but knowing what we share here is appreciated and enjoyed, as you say by friends all over the world, makes it such a worthwhile undertaking.....................congratulations dear friend, keep 'em coming please.

    Lucky gals all - you will love your gifts!

    Hugs - Mary

  10. Congratulations on your 1000 posts Donna and also to the lucky winners! Pamela

  11. Oh how special! I have no idea how many posts I've done since August 2007. But congratulations on your 1000th and Merry Christmas!

  12. Congrats on your 1000th post, Donna.
    I'm so glad I found you or visa versa!
    Congrats to the winners of your nice gifts too!

  13. 1000 posts! Wow! All those beautiful pictures too! Congratulations, Donna!

  14. Congratulations on 1000 posts Donna, that is an accomplishment. Congrats to your winners too, they'll love your photos.

  15. Congrats, Donna… You have done GREAT!!!!! I certainly am glad I got to know you ---and am enjoying your blog.

    Had a nice service for Dad Adams yesterday --and got to see many old friends and family members. We also enjoyed a family lunch together. Dad is in a better place now… Thanks be to God.

  16. Congratulations on your 1000th post!!! Wowza :D Congratulations to all the lucky winners as well!
    Beth P

  17. Congratulations!!! Wow 1000!! Amazing!

  18. Congratulations on 1000 posts. Here's to the next 1000! I love the photography you post and your challenges and photo tips. And I'm thrilled to be a winner again! Thank you so much.

  19. OOO, 1000 is an awesome milestone. So glad to be your blogging friend....:)
    xo bj

  20. Yay! Congrats to you and congrats to the winners! I don't always comment but I almost always stop by your blog, it's fun, it's informative, it keeps me in touch with you, and it has some of the best photos that were ever taken! Win-win!

    Hugs! Jackie

  21. I'm so happy for the winners...look like they are happy, too! What a sweet giveaway! You really know how to choose a winner...from your blog buddies! I love that! And I love your blog and all of the beautiful photos you share. I'm working on my challenge this afternoon. I have 2 ideas and can't decide which way to go! lol Sweet hugs and happy blogging!

  22. Congratulations on 1000 posts Donna. That's terrific.
    Quality blog posts too!

    Think I am nearly there too!
    Not nearly as interesting as yours though.
    Feel as if I am running out of steam, or inspiration, or energy, or something.
    Maybe it is all the minding of grandchildren, and unpacking that has worn me out!!
    Keep up the good work, I am sure you will!

  23. Congratulations on your 1000th post and congratulations to the lucky winners! :)

  24. Congratulations to all the winners!!!
    Happy 1000th Post Girl! It goes by fast doesn't it?!!
    The prize is Wonderful! But your work Always is!

  25. Holy cow!! I'm trying to catch up and these were two important days for you.
    Congrats on your 1000th post and Hallaluah again for Mr Jim.
    God Bless!!

  26. Catching up a bit! Congratulations on the 1000th post and congrats to the give-away winners.


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!