
January 4, 2014

A Personal Photo Challenge - Reminder

The monthly photo challenge will be next Saturday, January 11, on my other blog! “Shadow Play” is the theme. Please click on the photo link below for details and instructions. The linkup gadget will be available on Friday, January 10, in case you wish to publish your challenge post a day early.

I’m looking forward to your participation!


  1. Must say that I have not given photography much thought. It's -20 F outside and my brain has seized along with every ounce of energy I have. You were sure right about the energy pills. I'll start looking for shadows asap.

  2. I'm ready, willing and just about able!!!!!
    See y'all there next week!


  3. The sun is shining today and I'm looking for shadows everywhere. See you next week.

  4. I'll try! It's gonna be a crazy week but maybe I can slip some shots in.

  5. Hi Donna!!!! I might just find an old shadow taken with my trusty Canon Power Shot! haha Happy New Year to you! So glad you had a nice getaway. That must have been good for the body and soul. Funny, my closest friends say, "You? Shy? An introvert?" Only because I've known them forever do I not get tongue-tied and quiet, so I related to your last post! LOVE Mr. Screech! Talk to you soon!!!


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!