
June 4, 2014

Photo of the Week - Thompson Ledge

Thompson Ledge, Boulder, Utah

For a change of pace, I’m going to feature for a while some scenic landscape photos from our trip to southern Utah in the spring of 2013. We spent one memorable morning exploring a portion of the remote Burr Trail. The road extends over sixty miles from Boulder to Bullfrog, but we limited ourselves to about a 20-mile portion, starting at Boulder, and then we double-backed for a late lunch of delicious burgers at the Burr Trail Grill.

There was virtually no traffic along the Burr Trail, just the way we like it for spur-of-the-moment photography. We stopped frequently to admire the rustic landscape, starting with a hill called Thompson Ledge. The rocky formation is a compressed sand dune, created millions of years ago. It was just a taste – a small nibble – of what sights lay ahead of us.


  1. just beautiful terrain, colors and FENCE in front! :)

  2. That's so cool! And it looks like just what it is!!

  3. Amazing! What a beautiful place to visit. I remember your trip last spring. Friends of ours were there recently at the Moab. They loved it! Hugs. Pam

  4. oh I like it. I want to climb it but I'm pretty sure I would run out of steam half way

  5. What a pretty scene, beautiful photo. Have a happy day!

  6. Makes a gal wonder how it all came just so like a giant making batches of bread. Maybe I'm just hungry.

  7. Such a striking feature in the landscape. Love all the texture. Just to let you know that I've been watching for storms for over 6 weeks and the only little one happened when we were driving and I didn't have my camera. I might have to photograph a tempest in a teacup for this month's challenge!

  8. We are talking about another trip out west sometime. I may pick your brain sometime about where you'd recommend in Utah... Gorgeous photo, Donna.

  9. Great photo and great memories for you. Thanks for the sweet words and for praying. I am still praying for Jim and for you (to have stamina). ♥, Renae (#3 is nearly here)

  10., this is so beautiful! I have never been out west to see the breathtaking views like this but sure do enjoy the photographs I have seen! Maybe one day before I get too much can only hope :)

  11. What a gorgeous view, I suppose it could look like the dough rising for a huge loaf of bread. :-)

  12. What a neat photo!! I like it a lot. A compressed sand dune, hmmm. What compressed it? Well anyway, the photo is lovely. :)

  13. Another awesome photo! Love it.

    Hugs, prayers and kisses.

  14. Hi Donna- it's so nice to meet you-- your blog is so beautiful. This is a gorgeous photo-/ such beautiful country up there.

    Thank you for stopping by to visit me as well-- it's wonderful to make new friends.



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