
July 1, 2014

July 2014 - A Look Ahead

Wowsers, the year is half over! And, I know exactly how the time has flown for us. We both say goodbye and good riddance to last month. There was a dizzying schedule of doctor appointments, and Mr. Jim required five days hospitalization in the middle of it all. June 2014, you are so OUT of here!

We hope that this month will go smoother now that a chemo break is underway. There will still be some topsy-turvy stuff going on though. I have medical issues that have not been resolved, and they will be pursued further this month.

I’ve been having problems with my right eye (the one without the huge floaters from the retinal tear), and I have seen – and stumped – a total of four eye doctors so far. I will head to a specialist in Nashville next week to possibly discover a diagnosis and proposed fix. If there is a strike out with that guy, then I am in a pickle.

Also, my internist has confirmed that I have developed a hernia. So I have an appointment this week with a surgeon to determine what would be involved for surgical repair. It’s going to be really challenging in our household if I am on medical restrictions for any appreciable length of time. Oh, the fun continues here…

Mr. Jim’s birthday is in a few short days. He’ll be logging in the big number 70. Three cheers for that accomplishment! We’ll have a low-key 4th of July celebration this weekend. Since we have a small residential lot, the lighting of a few sparklers is about as wild as it’s going to get here. But we will manage to create some photography-related mischief later on this month. I will continue to keep mum about what it is afoot for the time being. But you can be looking forward to a post about us creating some senior-style havoc with the assistance of photographic equipment. Sounds ominous, huh?!

My self-imposed blogging slowdown will continue throughout the summer months so that I can spend quality time with Mr. Jim and tend to tasks around the cottage. Mr. Jim is participating a lot more in household duties than he did just a few weeks ago, so that is a great help and reducing my workload. I will try to visit your blogs when time permits. Please continue to consider yourself lucky if I comment on your posts. Most of my visits are quick and via my trusty iPad.

Thank you so much for your continued support, prayers, and good will!


  1. i am glad jim is getting stronger and feeling better, again. but it sounds like you need some prayers yourself. i truly hope the specialist will be able to solve the eye mystery and find a treatment!

  2. It sure sound like this month will be better than last. I'm wishing Jim a VERY Happy Birthday! And I hope you have a nice holiday week. Did you get the flags in the flower beds? Sweet hugs and prayers, Diane

  3. Praying for the best for you and Jim. Glad he is feeling some better. Hope July is an enjoyable and productive month and that your medical issues are resolved soon.

  4. Good. I am glad to hear of the improvements and glad to read that you will continue to be on vacation. =D Now that's euphemistic.

    Also good for you to pursue what's going on with you. You sound like a mysterious woman to have stumped four specialists! Hope that there is no surgery for you.

    A good birthday to Mr. Jim! He now joins John in his seventh decade. 1944 was a very good year!

  5. I do hope this Nashville Dr. can figure out what's going on with your eye. Donna! And I'm sure sorry to hear about the hernia-not at all what you need right now.
    I have to say you have me really wondering what kind of photography mischief you'll be sharing with us...
    We're praying Donna.

  6. I'll be praying that they can resolve the issue with your eye and that you both can get yourselves back in tip top shape. You've got me curious about the havoc you two will be creating

  7. …….tell dear Mr. Jim "welcome to the seventies" which from personal experience we must say are not so bad after all! Bob turns 74 July 5 so is well into the decade, moi, just a beginner but it's not half bad! Hope you have a lovely birthday celebration - perhaps, like Bob, Mr. Jim will be regaled with local firework displays…………….well they are for them right?

    As for Ms. Donna herself, gotta get you in better shape girl! Praying you will get a doctor who can help with both your eye and then the hernia. Fingers crossed you will have good news to share and not require major surgery. Want you and Mr. Jim to enjoy this Summer……photo mischief ahead sounds promising.

    So "Happy Birthday" wishes, better health wishes and all good wishes of every kind flowing your way dears.
    Thinking of you often……….are we still doing 'Portraits' this month, hope you have the energy to continue the challenge, it's such fun.
    Love and hugs to you both - Mary XX

  8. So glad to hear your hubby is doing better! Now, we just need to get YOU fixed! I do understand about the vision thing...not being able to see well is discouraging. Will be praying you and the doctor that he will be able to find AND resolve that issue! I hope your low-key July 4th celebration is most enjoyable!

  9. Your "photography mischief" has my curiosity piqued! I hope that is all the mischief at your house for the month of July. I will be praying that your medical issues are able to be resolved, and that Mr. Jim is able to fully enjoy his chemo break! Yes, prayers for you both continue...

  10. Goodbye, June...hello July. I pray this month will be sooo much better for ya'll.
    It was a good month around Sweet Nothings but sure did pass thru too fast. It really knocks my sox off when I realize that I am now 1/2 year older.....:( I like getting old better than the alternative, tho. lol
    xo bj

  11. I, too, am glad to see the month of June end. Hope the rest of your summer goes much better and happy birthday to your sweet Jim! I hope you get to celebrate it exactly the way you want to!

  12. Prayers continuing from here for both of you. Take the time you need and take care of YOU! I can't wait to see more about senior havoc!

  13. I'm so glad that the awfulness of June is over and I'm wishing you both a better summer ahead. I hope your health issues are resolved soon, Donna. As Mary has said, it's important for you to keep your strength and health up while you care for Mr. Jim.
    Happy Birthday to Mr. Jim! I hope this next year is full of healing. Keeping you both in my prayers.

  14. It's good to have an update from you regarding your and Mr. Jim's health issues. I hope your new doctor has some answers for you that don't require surgery. You don't need've both been through so much the past year. I am curious of the photo shoot. Sounds like fun. ;) Take care and I'll be praying for you both. Blessings and hugs, Pam

  15. Oh hi Donna! Sounds like you are just glad to have a break from all the attention of doctors and their offices. Man you have been through it. This chemo 4 is mild but I am very weak. I can't keep my endurance on anything, except typing and reading blogs. (that's easy) But I am taking many naps. I love naps, especially when I wake up and feel really well. Awh~ Happy 4th and I keep checking on you. ♥

  16. So good to hear that Mr. Jim is getting stronger and that you have "plans".
    I sure hope you get some resolution with your eye issue.
    Take Care...

  17. Donna, you are always showing the doctors that they don't know it all, aren't you? I am sorry to hear of these things for you, although I will say that many hernia repairs are not too terrible, but a few days of slowing down will be in order. It's good that Jim is doing a little better during this time - probably not a coincindence. :) We all love you and will continue to pray for you. Hugs!


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!