
June 30, 2014

Another Birthday!

Number 62 has arrived! I am always grateful for every year spent on this earth. I may not party too much today because I'm not feeling well at the moment.  And I'm so lazy that I even borrowed a stock photo from Getty Images (properly credited, of course). Haha, what a cute dog! 


  1. Happy Birthday my dear friend. I'm sorry you're not feeling well though.
    Hey, another ten and you'll be as old as me! :)

    Hugs, love and prayers for you both as always.

  2. Happy Birthday, Donna! Praying that you feel better as the day progresses. Feeling unwell on one's birthday is not allowed. Yes, a very cute dog...

  3. Well, Happy Birthday to you! I am not far behind...will celebrate (or not) the big 6-0 in September. Hope you feel better on your big day. Yes, what a cute puppy...looks like my Hunter except I would never get him to wear a, Oscar, my doxie would in hearbeat!

  4. Wishing you a good birthday, even though you're not feeling well. And still praying for strength and health for both you and Jim.

  5. Happy Birthday Donna! Hope you have a wonderful day and hope you feel better soon!

  6. Happy Birthday dear friend!!! Sorry you don't feel so good!
    I REALLY need to remember this! Crystal's birthday was Saturday..she's now 41....I'm 62...Boy! Where does the time go...

  7. Happy Birthday, Donna. I hope you feel better as the day progresses. A quiet day is something I`m sure you`ll relish with all that`s been going on in your life.

  8. Parabéns, Donna!
    Estou correndo logo atrás de você!
    Desejo a você muita saúde, sucesso e serenidade!
    Um abraço!
    Congratulations, Donna!
    I'm running right behind you!
    I wish you good health, success and serenity!

  9. happy 62 to you! i'm gonna hit 51 in a few days. hope you get to feeling better!

  10. Birthday blessings to you, dear Donna!! If you're not feeling well enough to celebrate today, then by all means celebrate tomorrow...or the next day...or next week. In a big way or a small way, but DO celebrate this new year and the gift of life!

  11. Enjoy he well earned birthday rest...Happy Birthda Donna..big hugs and xxx...Make a wish

  12. Happy birthday dear Donna. I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I hope that as the day passed you felt better. Wishing you health and happiness and maybe a little birthday cake :)

  13. Happy Birthday Sweet Friend. May this be a year of better health for you [both]. xo ~Sally

  14. ….and I'm not feeling well right along with you dear friend! Hope you are better soon and can have a much deserved celebration - many happy returns.
    Love, Mary and Bob

  15. Well I'm a little late to the party but want to add my Birthday Wishes too. Hope you have had a grrrreat day, and are feeling much better... Wishing you a happy and healthy year ahead...

  16. Happy Birthday, Donna! I hope you are feeling better SOON!

  17. Happy birthday Donna. Hope you have a wonderful day and feel well soon too! Blessings, Jo

  18. Somehow my previous comment disappeared into cyber space! Here goes again: Happy Birthday Donna. Have a wonderful day and I hope you feel better soon as well! Blessings Jo

  19. Happy Birthday, Donna. You sure don't look 62!
    I hope you'll be back to feeling better soon.
    You are in my prayer, dear friend.

  20. Happy birthday, Donna. Hope you'll soon feel better and have as much energy as that little dog!! :-)

  21. Happy Birthday, Sweet Donna. I am almost 10 yrs ahead of you (turning 72 in August).... Hope you and Jim have a nice day together.


  22. I love the balloons! Happy Birthday, youngster! I hope you're feeling better really quick.
    Love & hugs :)


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!