
July 15, 2014

Mid-July Ruminations & Cogitations

This has been one of the rainiest summers that I can remember in east Tennessee. Rain clouds like this are a common sight over Grey Havens cottage. We are thankful for a good roof to keep us safe and dry!

I am on the mend from the umbilical hernia surgery last Thursday. I had a few setbacks, with an immediate one in the recovery room due to low oxygen levels, and an uncooperative bladder this weekend. But it is all good now. The mesh implant must be settling in because there are a whole lot of pinching pains going on today! I’m keeping the pain pill bottle handy, LOL. I saw my surgeon briefly yesterday, and she was very pleased with my progress. I go back on Monday next week. I’m doing well enough that I plan to sleep in bed tonight instead of my recliner.

Mr. Jim is managing okay without my assistance. In fact, he’s been thriving with cooking and eating activities. So those important prayers have been answered! Swelling in his legs continues to be an issue, so please continue to pray that he gets some needed relief.

Despite busy summertime schedules, A Personal Photo Challenge this past weekend received favorable participation, and we got to view many creative portraits. If you joined in on the challenge fun, please ensure that you visit and comment on everybody’s posts. It is the kind thing to do! If you didn’t join in, I hope you will consider next time! The theme next month will be “animals,” and background information will be published in the next few days.


  1. glad you are both managing, but do hope your healing can continue!

  2. Oh so glad you're feeling better!

    We've had the rain also; in fact, three days now in a row I've unplugged the computer because the lightening has been horrific. It can stop raining now, as far as I'm concerned!

    Prayers continue for both you and Mr Jim, as you know.


  3. Glad that you are recovering well and making your doc happy. It will surely feel good to crawl into bed instead of a recliner. Yes, praying for Mr. Jim's comfort...swelling is uncomfortable. What is he whipping up in the kitchen now?

  4. Great news about you and Mr. Jim. Keep up the good work and know we're pulling for both of you daily!

    Oh my, animals as a subject, you just know I'm gonna love that one!!!!!!

    Mary x

  5. This is good news. I know it's hard when you are both having to take it easy but it will be worth it if you take it slow. I hope you get to sleep in your bed and rest tonight. Sending you both lots of hugs my friend, Diane

  6. Good news all around. We'll keep praying for Mr. Jim's swollen legs. I hope you enjoy sleeping in your own bed tonight.
    I've made my way around most of the portrait challenge posts - still trying to catch up a little.

  7. Happy to hear that your recovery is moving in the right direction. Both of you are in my thoughts and prayers.
    That sky in your picture has been a familiar sight around here this year too.

  8. Praying that you both continue to gain strength and heal quickly. Oh and it's been raining like crazy here. Bad lightening storms and everything. We can't even mow the whole back yard because there is so much standing water. *sigh*
    Sending you my BIG HUG today.

  9. This is no way to spend your July. So sorry about the surgery and I know that little pinching is probably a lot worse than your letting on. Praying for relief from pain and for healing. Prayers also for Mr. Jim that the swelling will subside. Hope August is a much nicer month for you.

  10. Glad things are going well for both of you! Sending good thoughts that you continue to feel better!

  11. I think July needs to hurry up and be Gone! Bad vibes this year...Glad you both are feeling better though! Will continue to send prayers for Jim's swelling, bless his heart!
    You are a Super host of the Challenge Donna! Surgery and blogging...I can hear you now..."How long will this take? I have a post I HAVE to get done here!!!"
    Love you sweet friend!

  12. Donna
    I'm so glad to hear you are on the mends and that Mr. Jim is doing better too.
    I'm sorry I didn't check in on you sooner-I've been on the road.
    Blessings Friend-Kimberly

  13. Those are some nasty looking clouds in the first photo. I'll bet the old bed will feel good after sleeping in a recliner and hopefully the healing process speeds along.

  14. Sending prayers and good thoughts for healing for you both!

  15. I'm thankful to hear good news about your recovery and Mr. Jim's keeping things rolling along...and I will be praying that more progress has been made since you posted this! Prayers for both of you continue...

  16. You have had your hands full with health issues. I hope the rest of the summer is a bit more relaxed.

  17. I've been trying to catch up on blogging friends this week. You've certainly been dealing with a lot. Even when I'm not online, I think of you and your dear husband and hold you in my prayers!

  18. Catching up - again! I'm glad to hear you are both doing OK. My prayers continue for both of you. I'm a bit laid up with a knee problem. The good news - the joints in both knees look good. I'm waiting for MRI results - will get them Thursday afternoon. I'm hoping I just need physical therapy to set things right again. Not holding my breath, though. I love clouds and skies and your photo is wonderful!


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!