
July 9, 2014

Photo of the Week - Flora Survival on the Burr Trail

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah

It is a tough life for plants and trees in Utah’s desert climate. They have to grab a foothold where they can, endure long dry periods, and withstand wide temperature variations. Winds are strong enough to sculpt the rocks too, forging shapes and textures. I found the tenuous support of the rock ledge (seen on the right of the photo frame) to be especially intriguing.

Please be thinking good thoughts for me tomorrow, when I have a hernia operation, and during the healing days ahead. I am preparing my photo challenge post in advance. But I don’t know if I will be up to visiting all of the participants promptly. Life, once again, takes priority over my blogging presence.


  1. i hope all will go extremely well!

  2. I'll keep you in my prayers. Take care of yourself my friend and try not to worry about anything else. Sending you some extra hugs. Your friend, Diane

  3. Beautiful photo of a rather desolate place. You are in my prayers, dear friend. I'll be going to a girlfriend camping adventure at the Oregon Coast tomorrow. I will pray as we drive!

  4. Your photography is always stellar and spot on. This is beautiful.

    Yes, saying a prayer for a very smooth procedure. If it's any consolation, John wants you to know that he had the surgery nearly a decade ago and has never regretted it and recovered quickly. Take it easy, don't fret about us, we'll muddle through. Basically, I'm only serving as comic relief so you might not want to visit me anyway until it doesn't hurt to laugh. Love to you!

  5. sending warm thoughts and special prayers for you.

  6. Love the photo!

    You're in my prayers for sure. I pray it all goes well.

  7. You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow, for sure, Donna.
    What spectacular rock formations in your photo.

  8. Gorgeous colours and formations in your photo. I'll be thinking of you, Donna, and praying that all goes well tomorrow.

  9. Isn't it amazing how plants can grow in such hard conditions? Lovely photo!

    I will be praying for you tomorrow as you have your surgery...and for a smooth and speedy recovery!

  10. A naturesa sempre nos surpreende!
    Meus votos para o sucesso da sua operação! Também estarei orando por você e pela equipe médica.
    Saúde e um abraço!
    The naturesa always surprises us!
    My wishes for the success of your operation! I will also be praying for you and the medical staff.
    Health and a hug!

  11. Thinking of you and praying!

  12. Gorgeous pic! Good luck with your surgery tomorrow, Donna. I know things will go well for you!

  13. Prayers for your hernia operation. I had one in 2011 --and it wasn't a hard recovery at all (neither was my gallbladder removal)... Just take it easy and realize that your energy level won't be so good for awhile.

    Hugs and Prayers,

  14. Sweet , dear Donna - sorry about the surgery requirement, occurred faster than I was expecting! Hope ALL went well and your recovery goes fast and without too much pain or upheaval.
    Blessings to both you and Mr. Jim as you play nurse to each other for what I hope will just be a little while! Of course I'm also hoping you have someone else coming in to help too!

    Keep us up to date - know that we care and wish you well.
    Huge get well hugs - Mary (and Bob) xoxoxoxox


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!