
August 4, 2014

August 2014 - A Look Ahead

July zipped right by and now we have one more hot summer month to go! We kicked it into low gear during July, and we will continue our “staycation” activities during August too. Even though I had hernia surgery last month, it was quite a nice break from our previous abundance of medical appointments. We will continue to spend a lot of time on our cottage’s porches, parking our butts in rockers on the front porch and gliders on the back. Cold refreshments and Kindles will be common companions, but many times we will simply look out at the world and converse about whatever subjects pop into our wee noggins. We will continue to enjoy jaunts to local restaurants, a real treat after our long absence during Mr. Jim’s chemo treatments.

We are counting our blessings. I am healing up nicely from the hernia surgery. I still have some nagging soreness and hope that it will magically vanish soon with hardly a notice. Mr. Jim is doing remarkably well during his chemo break, enjoying food, my company, and life (not necessarily in that order). He’s driving once again and has been my chauffeur when I am taking pain medication. And, I am happy to report that Mr. Jim has resumed chef duties at the cottage. That is quite a relief for me, since my idea of cooking is deciding which box of cereal to get out of the pantry, LOL. When the weather is cooperative, we take a few walking laps around the villa section of our subdivision. Except for house construction down the street of another spec home, activity in the neighborhood is rather quiet.

We have some doctor appointments scheduled for this month. The most notable is Mr. Jim’s scheduled CAT scan and follow-up appointment with his oncologist. We have at about three more weeks to enjoy our “staycation” without cancer ruling our lives.

The monthly photo challenge is rapidly coming up on the calendar for this coming Saturday. While my DSLR cameras continue to accumulate dust lately, I will probably have to pull photos out of my archives for the “animals” challenge topic. I asked a couple of neighbors if I could do photo shoots of their dogs, and I didn’t get any positive responses. Oh well!

We plan to play with our new electronic toys this month - the quadcopter and gopro camera. I suddenly need a crash course to learn how to edit video files too! The hummingbirds are frantically feeding this time of year. So I hope to set up a convenient perch and conduct a few photo shoots of my little feathered friends. As if all of that isn’t enough, I will also spend some time in my studio room this month, catching up on some sewing projects that have languished far too long.

Best wishes to you, as we slide into the last month of summer!


  1. Yes, I am sliding into home plate. CANNOT wait. Not so much for this Friday, but for the remaining 21 days to shorten up to be more like 17-18 days and start to feel normal again! Some have told me that there is a bell in the Huntman Infusion room that finale patients ring when it is their last time. and... it has a plaque on the wall thats says " Ring this Bell -- then run like Hell! " and photos to follow! lol

  2. Those neighbors don't know what they're missing! If Molly were still around and in your neighborhood, I'd jump at the chance for a professional photo of her. Gheesh. Well, we're both achieving success by lowering expectations. Your month sounds restful and pleasant. Glad to know that you only have a twinge here and there. Jim must be feeling fair to middlin' to return to his duties as chef.

  3. so glad you are BOTH enjoying this slow-down! you need some easy days. :)

  4. hard to believe it's August already. Where did the year go? Your staycation sounds very relaxing to me and I wouldn't mind spending more time on the back deck with a cold drink and my kindle.

  5. So glad you're both doing well at this moment in time.


  6. It is so nice to hear that you and Mr. Jim have been enjoying the blessing of calm and quiet days. Isn't it amazing how much pleasure we can receive from simple things like cooking and sleeping and sitting on the porch when those very things have been scarce for a time? Continue to soak up the "ordinary"...which is never "ordinary" really.

  7. I'm happy to hear you are enjoying your staycation and each other's company!

  8. Love to hear your spending time together without the invasion of hospital and appointments...enjoy smelling the roses for abit,and rest those weary souls of yours,I hope your recovery is speedy to you both xx

  9. Glad to hear that Mr. Jim is doing well and that you are feeling better! Enjoy the rest of your staycation! Looking forward the photo challenge this week!

  10. Sounds like a pretty pleasant month in store. Glad the staycation is proving to be a sweet time together without the medical hassles.

  11. Your staycation is sounding pretty enjoyable, Donna.
    And a little twinge sounds normal after a surgery like you've just had.
    I know what you mean about Mr. Jim cooking, my DH does a lot of it around here too.
    He enjoys it and I don't, so it just makes sense to me.
    I am so happy to hear that Jim is feeling well enough to do all that he doing again.
    Thanks for keeping us posted!

  12. Staycations like yours are just the ticket for rest and relaxation. So glad to hear that you are feeling mere twinges after your surgery and I hope they soon disappear. Mr. Jim in the kitchen sounds great! Enjoy rocking on the front and back porches!

  13. Oh say it isn't so, the last month. I think I may have just thawed out. I love summer, we haven't had very warm temperatures, lots of rainy days, which is nice, no watering of flower beds. I'm glad you are enjoying your porches, and rocking along. Good to hear that your Baboo is cooking again, and tasting too. Good thoughts going your way.

  14. Sound like the perfect staycation! I hope you enjoy the next month!

  15. It's good to hear that you are enjoying your new "normal" for now. Take in these moments and treasure them.

  16. I like that this slowdown sounds like it's pretty peaceful for both of you. Kind of what you needed after the frantic months. You hang in there, both of you, okay? You are in my prayers.

  17. I am so good to read a good report on both of you! August is going by quickly and I'm feeling a bit panicky that I won't get all my 'summer' enjoyment before it's over. You two continue in my prayers. Wish I could come and sit on the porch with you. I would bring my Kindle!

  18. I haven't visited in awhile and happy to drop in and find you both are relaxing and healing. Your words sound so music ♥

  19. I'm relieved to know you're spending the hot months relaxing. I stay indoors mostly too, but there's so much to do at the computer that I'm grateful for the excuse not to go out in the heat. I am praying that Mr. Jim's scan yields only good news and that you both go from strength to strength into a beautiful cool autumn. And here's to the grand dream that you'll soon be taking your next trip together, somewhere in the world! xoxo


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!