
September 15, 2014

Creating Animated Gif Files

The post this weekend for A Personal Photo Challenge was a big hit with my blog readers, thanks to a cooperative hummingbird and a couple of adorable rabbits. The rabbit photos sparked some excitement, and I got several inquiries about how to create animated gif files. 

I used Photoshop CC, a program that provides the technical power to line up all the photo frames seamlessly, in addition to animation. But you don’t need Photoshop CC to create animated gif files of your photos. You can use Photoscape, a free photo editor for Windows and Mac computers. (Note: The Mac version is scaled down, unfortunately).

Below is a video that shows you how to access the animated gif feature. Photoscape won’t automatically line up sequenced photos, so I recommend using a tripod if you want similar results to my rabbit gif files. Also, it is best to perform photo editing steps first, ensuring that you edit the files identically. Of course, identical editing is not needed if you merely want to create a small slide show. Once the files are imported, Photoscape controls allow you to adjust the timing between the various photos and the type of transition. Files are saved with a "gif" file extension instead of "jpg."

I hope this inspires you to create some animated gif files from your photos too!


  1. This is awesome, Donna...thanks so much for posting this! I already use Photoscape in some of my editing so I should be able to do this! I can't wait to try it!!

  2. Sounds like fun! Thanks for posting this, Donna. I'm still catching up on all the photo challenge posts after a very busy weekend. Everyone did such a great job.

  3. I've done them in the past using photoshop elements. They really are fun to put together

  4. I'll have to try that sometime!
    Oh, who am I kidding? :)


  5. This looks interesting! I don't have Photoshop on my computer since I got my laptop. It would be fun to do this, if I could.

  6. Thanks for taking the time to explain all of this. My hubby made 'me' into a gif. I look a little crazy but I'm moving a lot faster than in real life! haha! I need to look and see what the next challenge is going to be! I look forward to these all month long! Hugs, Diane

  7. I found it....Still life! Hmmmm...I'll have to think about this one! Hugs!

  8. I don't have Photoshop or Photoscape on my Mac but did enjoy what you did with the process.

  9. Thank you for sharing this, I am always trying to improve my computer skills...Hope this isn't over my head lol


  10. Thanks so much for all your amazing information. I learn from you every time I come over....
    And...tell Marty I sure am glad he likes my bunny lamp...hahhaa

  11. Thanks! Never really understood just How to do this...LOVE the bunny!!!


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!