
September 29, 2014

Mums on the Porch

We got a set of beautiful mum plants in baskets a couple of weeks ago. The blooms are now in their full glory and adorn our front porch.

Marty heartily approves of the floral display.

And I enthusiastically approve of how well my little iPhone camera captures these cottage scenes, quickly and easily. (I edited the images in Photoshop, of course.)


  1. Those purple mums are gorgeous and you did get a wonderful photo with your phone! I used to have a little flag just like yours with the apples. It was fun to change the flags for the seasons. Love your Fall banner, too! Sweet hugs, Diane

  2. Such beautiful color, Donna! And I wuv the wabbit!!! :-)

  3. Your lucky the bunny didn't eat those flowers. Very pretty. iPhone does take pretty nice pictures!

  4. What a beautiful colour! Marty approved too. :)

  5. Of course Marty loves this autumnal display! The mums are a beautiful color, and I love them in the baskets!

  6. The mums are pretty and add a splash of colour against the bricks. I hope Marty doesn't nibble on the flowers. I put netting around the small shrubs planted this year so his relatives can't chomp them back over winter.

  7. I've always liked mums. These are very pretty

  8. Lovely colored mums, beautiful display! Have a happy day!

  9. So beautiful! I have no luck with mums so I never buy them!

  10. How gorgeous! Love those, and that color!

    I've taken a few photo's with the new Galaxy S5, but having sort of a difficult time transferring to the computer. But, I'll get there. :)


  11. Ooh...such beauty! I probably won't get around to getting any mums this fall with everything else that has been going on so I will enjoy these, OK???

  12. The iPhone cameras are certainly a marvel, and so is the way you decorate! Now THAT'S the way to decorate the outside of a house for fall. Well done you. xoxo

  13. I truly admire Marty's restraint! No nibbles out of the mums at all, unless you turned the evidence to the back side.

  14. That's such a welcoming display Donna, and colorful too. Love how the basket on the flag and the flower basket are similar style.
    Yes, my iPhone 5s is giving me lovely pics compared to the 4 - I upgraded just a couple of weeks back - didn't want the 6, far too expensive! Do you think real cameras will eventually become obsolete?

    Hope this is a good week for you and Mr. Jim.
    Love, Mary

  15. So pretty, and's amazing what your iphone camera can do.


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!