
September 1, 2014

September - A Look Ahead

August didn’t exactly turn out the way I expected it to, so I’m going to roll with the punches in September. “Adaptability” is the watchword of the month.

We will find out this week about the results of Mr. Jim’s CAT scan and whether another series of chemotherapy treatments are recommended at this time. Whatever the outcome, we’ll face it together and with as much cheer and fortitude as we can muster. One thing is for sure. Mr. Jim’s fighting spirit over the past 15 months has been nothing short of inspiring!

After a week of healing, my right eye is still swollen, doesn’t open fully, and decidedly off-kilter. I confess that I wonder if I will ever look normal again or see without double vision. In the meantime, thank goodness I have a pair of large sunglasses to wear in public so that I don’t frighten young children and small animals! I have a follow-up visit with my surgeon this week and will receive a briefing on the full pathology report. The stitches will be removed in another week.

With my visual world being topsy-turvy, I have not been inspired to create any meaningful photographic works lately. A few weeks ago, I managed to create a solitary image for this month’s personal photo challenge (theme: movement). It may have to suffice. I will try to continue the “photo of the week” posts this month.

As if there isn’t enough to burden our spirits, my Mom had a massive stroke last week and was airlifted to an Indianapolis hospital. She is in a coma and the outlook is grim. Tomorrow, she will be moved from the hospital’s neurological ICU to a palliative care unit. With broken hearts, we said our goodbyes to her the other day over the phone. We don’t know if she could hear us, but it was worth a try. We expressed our love, and I thanked her for being my Mom.

We are counting our blessings and relishing the simple joys of everyday living. Tomorrow is always an uncertainty, so it is best to live fully and jubilantly in the moments that we now possess. And, never pass up those opportunities of small kindnesses to others along the way.

Thank you for your continued prayers and good wishes. I cherish your friendship!


  1. i am sorry about your mother. treatments, healings, patience, then that added emotional burden. i am sorry for your pain.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom, it certainly been a trying time for you both. Hoping for the best in your results. Prayers for you both will continue to pass my lips, and always in my thoughts.

  3. So very, very sorry to hear this about your mother. My prayers that she isn't in pain.

    You and Jim, of course, will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers as well.

  4. I'm so sorry for all your struggles. Sending you prayers for strength and prayers for your Mom

  5. I've very sorry to hear about your Mom. My heart goes out to you my friend. I keep you and Jim in my prayers. Living each day to the fullest is good advice. Sweet hugs, Diane

  6. So sorry for all that you are dealing with. I admire your positive spirit and plan to live joyfully. You are inspiring! God bless you and your family.

  7. Oh, Donna...I am so sorry to hear about your mother, and everything you are dealing with in life right now. You are right, sometimes you just have to roll with the punches and just try to hang on. I am sending prayers and loving thoughts your way for healing, peace, comfort, and strength...and a BIG hug, too...xoxo

  8. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this news about your Mom, Donna. Praying for strength to face each day with grace.

  9. Oh Donna, I am so sorry to hear about your mother. My thoughts and prayers are with you. You certainly have a lot on your plate right now and your courage and strength are an inspiration.

  10. You are both inspiring. I can think of no better way to face each day than with "cheer and fortitude." You have a way of making me grin right in the middle of such serious discussions...wearing large sunglasses to protect children and animals.

    Thinking of and praying for you and yours.

  11. Such sad news about your dear mom but I'm certain she did hear your words Donna, and they will sustain her during this uncertain time. Hoping she is not in pain and that her caregivers are kind and patient.
    So sorry you are having to go through so much all at once - your spirit is strong and it is you and Mr. Jim together who are enabling you both to see the bright bits of life from a new perspective. . . .no pun intended here with your current 'wonky' eye! It really is all about the simple joys at stressful times such as these, and memories of the better days which will return after you have jumped over the hurdles currently standing in the way.
    We think of you and Mr. Jim daily, me especially every time I grab my camera - I know you are missing that pleasure and hope soon when your stitches are removed you can wow again with some good shots. Hope the CAT scan results are going to be good - we're pulling for you both.

    Much love, warm hugs Mary and Bob

  12. Well, OMG Girl!! I'm just feeling Heartsick for you!!! I WISH I could be there to help you through all this....You know I would!
    Is there ANYTHING I can do from here besides pray? Something?? Yes, prayer is mighty and I am doing it..but, like all the others here, I feel useless!
    I lost my Mom in '96...but at least I could be with her...Bless Your Heart little Love...
    Sending you Strength!!

  13. Oh Donna...I am so sorry to hear this news about your mother, as if there weren't enough trials in your lives already. I do love your spirit and Vee said, I laughed about that sunglasses comment too :) How you have even been able to muster enough strength for a blog post through all of this is amazing. I will be remembering you and your family in my prayers. Oh, by the way, the image you created for September is bee-yu-tee-full!

  14. Oh, my dear friend, my heart just aches for you! As if you don't have enough to handle. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. My prayers definitely continue for you - I won't stop!

  15. I'm so sorry about your mom, Donna.

  16. Donna, such sad news about your mother. I pray for grace for her in her remaining days, and grace for you and Mr. Jim as you continue to endure these very hard knocks. May you have strength for each day...


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!