
October 4, 2014

October - A Look Ahead

September came and went, and we have little to show for it. We continue to adapt to what life throws at us. The weather has turned a bit cooler, much to our delight. It’s perfect for porch sitting and a few strolls around the villa road circle. A tiny hint of leaf color is starting to appear, but peak fall colors aren’t expected for another couple of weeks. October has always been one of my all-time favorite months.

Mr. Jim’s chemo break continued last month, but he spent some nights in the hospital for another blood infection. We managed to pull off a day trip adventure and kept scrapping plans to go over to Cades Cove for another day trip. That jaunt is now scheduled for next week. We’ve talked about going to Kentucky for a few days this month, but we haven’t made any reservations so far. We’ll see…

Mr. Jim has been tired the past couple of weeks and not feeling the best. He’ll be touching base with his internist next week. A CAT scan status and oncologist visit is scheduled for the end of the month. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.

It’s been almost six weeks since my right eye surgery. The eye is still a bit wonky, and the eyelid swelling hasn’t completely gone away. I have a follow-up visit with the surgeon next week, and I’ll find out what’s what.

You can expect my blogging slowdown to continue this month. Unless circumstances otherwise prevent me, you can count on “photo of the week” features on Wednesdays. For the upcoming photo challenge next weekend, I plan to showcase some charming still life images from the Museum of Appalachia. This month, I hope to also share some more photos of autumn decorations here at our cottage.

Speaking of our cottage, it will get a new irrigation system this month. The one originally provided was installed under the direction of the developer, and it has always been woefully insufficient and lacking individual control of its operation. The system was also dependent upon a natural spring system that has dried up as additional homes have been added. So we will be tying our new system into the municipal water line. Our fellow villa neighbors are facing the same issues and upgrades.

I have neglected to spend much time in my studio room since Mr. Jim has been sick. However, I must carve out a few hours this month to tackle clothing alteration projects. We’re both vertically challenged, so clothing purchases usually require adjustments!

As we start sliding into the autumn season, I want to express how very grateful I am for those friends who regularly contact us via phone, e-mails, cards, etc. I have discovered that one of the most difficult things that we have to deal with on a regular basis is the isolation that comes with a cancer battle. We no longer have a normal life. Activities and social interactions are limited because cancer is the proverbial elephant in the room. As with any chronic illness, the support network tends to get smaller and smaller over time. And quite frankly, there are a lot of people who just plain disappear or use avoidance tactics because they can’t handle it or cannot relate to our circumstances. If you are a friend who reaches out to me on a regular basis, God bless you for taking the time and showing that you care.


  1. Donna I LOVE the depth, texture, and color waves of that OCTOBER photos !
    I am sending best wishes for you and Mr. Jim .

  2. i am sorry that jim continues to feel poorly - and worse, the hospital stays. i hope you can manage some short getaways to enjoy the beauty of autumn. :)

  3. I hope that the two of you are able to get out in this pretty fall really is such a lovely time of year. Keeping you both in my prayers...xoxo

  4. You are both always in my thoughts and prayers, but I believe you know this.

    I suppose with a new irrigation system going in and tying in with the municipal water line, you can probably expect added expense. But, one does what one needs to. (That sounded very intelligent, don't you think?) Hey, it 10:40 P.M and I'm a little ditsy. Speaking of which, I just put a cinnamon streusel bread in the oven; hope I can stay awake to hear the oven "ding". :)

    I hope you both get good results on the tests; your poor eye.

    I so love the colors you have on the sideline and in the October calendar. So very pretty!

    God be with you both; sending love and prayers.

  5. That is a sad commentary on human behavior...hope that you have many who treat you just as always. Vertically dad had an expression concerning my sister and me...we were built low to the ground for hurricane weather. Ha! Hope that you folks are able to take the trip yoh'd like. Hoping for encouraging news from all the respective doctors and praying for that, too.

  6. Dearest Donna, I am so sorry your sweetheart is feeling so bad and having to go thru this trying time...I'm sorry for him and for you and your family. God is Good...and I am praying HE holds Jim in HIS arms and blesses him with total healing.
    Your blog is so pretty with the autumn colors down ea side. Your header is breathtaking...we don't have colors like this in Texas...or at least MY part of Texas.
    Love and prayers to you, oxox bj

  7. Sadly, people are uncomfortable with those who are hurting. I have to think that, most of the time, it is because they don't know what to say or how to act, so it's easier to just avoid the person who is in difficulty. Oh how much better to reach out and share the burden, despite the feeling of uncertainty! Hugs to you both, and continued prayers on your behalf!

  8. what a beautiful image that is. You and Mr Jim continue to stay in my thoughts and prayers. I'm glad that you've been able to get out for a few day trips.

  9. I'll Never understand humans...Lol...They want to know everything that's going on with you but then something sad happens and a lot of them Run for the hills! It's more and no less and No one should have to face it alone! If I was there I'd probably be a bit "too" helpful (that's the nurse in me) since I'm not, I'll just wart you in small ways...Hahaa...Tell Mr Jim that he's loved and to try to think positive thoughts...and tell yourself that Donna in Texas won't run...You've got a Friend who lubs 'ya sister!

  10. I hope October is a little kinder to you both, and yes, every night I continue to mention your names in my prayers. A day trip or two would be wonderful at this time of year and surely lift your spirits with the beauty of the season.
    Ha ha, vertically challenged - Glenn and I just call it the middle age spread. :-)
    Enjoy your Sunday.

  11. I was away for awhile, but I'm back to visiting and have you both in my thoughts and prayers. You and Mr. Jim are so blessed to have each other and I love hearing about your little jaunts out and about. Hopefully the eye doc can determine when your eye will be better and that issue will be put to bed. Sending positive thoughts and big hugs to you Donna!

  12. As always, thinking of you and sending hugs and warm thoughts your way,

  13. As always my dear, I am sorry to hear that Jim is doing poorly. Your battle is a tough one. I think of you daily. My dad said I was vertically challenged because I had a faulty gyroscope. I'm a bit wobbly. Better to be close to the ground if you stumble.

  14. That's a beautiful photo, Donna, so richly coloured and textured. I'm sorry Mr. Jim is feeling poorly again. You come to mind often during the week and I pray for strength and healing for you both. Sending hugs!

  15. I don't touch base enough with you,But you are so often on my mind,Each moning i'm reminded by the little 'marty" stitiching you made that hangs where I do my makeup so I always whisper up a prayer for you both...The isolation of illness and all it entails is just another cruel part of these journeys...I hope ou feel loved and supported by those of us on the sidelines willing you both along xx

  16. Oh, my friend, I continue to pray for both of you. And I look forward to your monthly updates. I think of you so often - and breathe a prayer - but I need to be much better about letting you know you are on my heart! Sending more hugs your way.

  17. I'm so sorry to hear that some "friends" have shied away from you and Jim...sometimes folks just don't know what to say I certainly doesn't make it right, regardless and I'm sure it's very hurtful. Thank you for the updates and will continue to pray for good test results! Hope you guys get to go on your little excursion this week!

  18. I understand how friends " shy" away. However, this is the time I just feel I would like to make our friendship a little stronger, it's a new phase in our lives and it's precisely the time a friend is needed, I hope things get better soon.

  19. Oh Donna I am so sorry that you and Mr Jim are going through such troubled times. I know he has the cancer, but it so effects BOTH of your lives. Sorry to hear some people are shying away from you when they should be circling the wagons. Please remember that all of us blogging friends are here for you 24/7 no matter how often you do or don't blog. We are always here for you to take a break from your real life, and trust me that everyones life is not always as cheery as the posts sound. I am going to bow my head right now and say a prayer for you both


  20. Donna, don't I know just what you mean about the disappearance of former friends when the bad stuff happens. I have only about 3 good friends left since my daughter died. That's another elephant in the room, so I get it. I pray for you often, and for Jim, and I know how difficult what you are going through is, as I watched both my parents go through the same thing. I'm soooo sorry! May God bless you and show you peace and mercy. I hope that you'll even find some fun in the studio this week, even if it is only for alterations. :) Hugs and love heading your way, Jackie

  21. Our hearts go out to you both. It's so difficult to know what to say, even for those of us who have been touched by cancer in our families. Everyone has a different situation but all face challenges. I keep you both in my prayers and hope you will be able to get out in nature and enjoy the Fall season. Sweet hugs, Diane

  22. Hi Donna, I missed your post here but the photo thumbnail caught my eye as I was scrolling my sidebar on the blog. That is a gorgeous photo and I'm curious as to what it is of. I think of you and Mr. Jim often as my own brother is still battling this dreaded disease and I kind of know what you are going through. God bless you both. Hugs, Pam

  23. Hi Donna-- we've been busy with many things on our homefront including travels-- so I've missed out on some of your posts. I just wanted to take a minute and tell you that I am truly keeping you both in prayers-- I can't imagine your lives right now-- up and down and all around. Sending you love and prayers--


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!