
June 7, 2015

Attempting to Make Some Headway

It always seems like I am taking one step forward and two steps backwards. A solo life keeps me extremely busy. All of the household tasks are my complete responsibility. If I slack off, there is nobody else to rely upon. Nobody. I am trying to rebuild a life at the age of 62 (soon to be 63). It takes effort. It takes time. And I struggled mightily, physically and emotionally, to take care of myself for two months with a broken right foot.

Needless to say, blogging time remains limited. I am wrestling with real life. I recently joined a new church. I'm doing some volunteer work. And, you know that I have been venturing out for a couple of photography trips, despite physical limitations. After 33 years of being half of a couple, I am learning to lead a singular life. I’m not happy about it. But I’m doing it. What other choice do I have? None, zip, nada.

I feel that I have much to say and share. However, I lack the time and dedication to get the words nailed down and published. And by the time I get through my daily to-do list, there is very little time left for visiting all of you. I hope you understand.

Will the chaos of my widow life ever settle down? I simply don’t know.

Would you believe that it took me two weeks to organize and go through my Wyoming photos? Oh boy, that was an exercise in frustration. The Adobe Bridge portion of Photoshop CC was not cooperating. The program and my computer were freezing up within five minutes every time I sat down to go through the file the images. I have absolutely no patience these days to put up with cantankerous digital devices. I had to get up and walk away, rather than break down and cry. But I finally had enough spare time and patience yesterday to do some internet sleuthing to determine how to cajole the program to behave once again. The solution was very obscure. But I ended up fixing it without having to resort to a lengthy phone call with Adobe technical services. I breathed a big sigh of relief…

So now I can once again start working on post-processing some of my new images. I think I have a few humdingers in the mix. Let’s cross our collective fingers.

I’m going to try (with emphasis on the word try) to resume posting a "photo of the week."  If the self-appointed task becomes overwhelming, I’ll stop. Your encouragement and good wishes are always appreciated, of course!


  1. one day at a time is all anyone can do. and you're doing it. :) glad you got your photo program complications figured out. looking forward to seeing your images. :)

  2. I'm sorry your having to go through all of this alone. Wish I was closer, not sure if I'd be much help, but at least you'd have someone to blame. It could be me. I think you are a remarkably strong intelligent lady, take good care of yourself.
    Looking forward to seeing your wonderful photos, especially the humdingers.

  3. So happy to see you, Donna. I know the struggles must be extremely difficult. I think about you a lot and keep you in my prayers. xoxo

  4. Do not push yourself to the point of frustration. Take you of the month is good even. I know how many hours you spend on a quality photo. One. The rest of us slap them up without giving them as much thought as you do. (I still think I spend too much time on photography and photos. It's not my talent. I'd far rather work in words, but no one has the patience for reading anymore.) I am sure that every widow who has ever lived would identify with your words.

  5. "Will the chaos of my widow life ever settle down? I simply don’t know." Yes!!! But not the first 9 months-a year. Then, it seems the 2nd year is emotionally harder because reality sets in. You ought to be all set by the time you hit 65--which is just the perfect age to be on your way to your new life. Sounds harsh and like a long time? Really, it isn't and all things will smooth out--promise!

  6. I think you're doing very well, you're putting one foot in front of the other every day and getting things done. Maybe slowly but getting them done all the same. It takes me forever to get around to taking care of things sometimes. I'm turning in to a big procrastinator.

  7. I agree with what you can, when you feel like it. We'll look forward to your photos! Sweet hugs, Diane

  8. Oh horrors! I painstakingly typed a comment into my phone and then lost it when I had to sign into google.'s always great seeing a post from you. I'm just using my phone on this trip so comments are few and far between.

  9. Take your time, dear friend. You have a lot on your plate - just do what you can do. We all understand. I love hearing from you when post. We'll be here whenever you come by. I can't wait to see your photos whenever the digital world cooperates with you.

  10. I think of you almost every day when I'm doing my blog reading. I share your frustration with digital devices, but I'm finding that starting to put together a series of talks I'm giving next winter (rather than just cancelling it) is really good therapy. I hope your photography is good therapy too. I know if we hadn't reached out and started attending church here, and volunteering with several organizations, we wouldn't have the friends and support now when we need it. I hope it helps for you too.

  11. Happy to know you are able to work on your photos now dear, know how frustration sets in when the computer doesn't cooperate. A weekly photo will be happily viewed by us all I know so will be looking forward to seeing that when time permits.

    I sure hope your new church brings some lovely new friends Donna - I know they must be thrilled to have you as a volunteer. Hopefully your foot problem is improving.

    I'm trying to post of the remaining parts of the journey through Europe before leaving again come Friday. As always, far too many photos to sift through and edit here and there - I only used my small cameras so they need a little work!

    Think of you often and send hugs.
    Mary X

  12. Always good to see you on here! I can imagine your frustration at the photo editing. It's frustrating enough to have to deal with computer stuff let alone having to deal with it while grieving!

  13. So good to hear from you in this post Donna. I'm sure things will settle eventually. It all takes time. I'm happy that you've found a new church and pray that in time you will find the love and support of good friends there. I would be very frustrated with computer issues if I were alone too, and would probably cry and scream and just give up. Technical support for us bloggers is important!! Take care. xx Pam

  14. You are smart to listen to your body and do what you can, Donna. Your trip out west looked wonderful...I look forward to seeing some of your photos in the future! I get it with the digital stuff...except I usually just cry and then step away and start over.

  15. Always good to "hear" from you Donna. I so admire your courage and am glad to hear you are out and about. Staying busy is a good thing :) Just do like you said "Try" and we'll be here when you are! xoxox

  16. I know you're a busy beaver...just don't over-do girlie.
    Can't wait to see some of those shots!
    Hugging you!


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!