
August 5, 2015

Photo of the Week - Nashville Skyline at Night

Nashville, Tennessee

As usual, I am pressed for time. So this is going to be a very short post! I was "indisposed" last week because I was attending another His Light Workshop, thereby practicing and honing my photographic skills.

Yes, this old dog was learning a few new tricks. It was my first attempt at nighttime photography. While I was struggling to learn and get used to my new Fuji X-T1 mirrorless camera, I enjoyed the company of many talented photographers, including Ricky Skaggs of bluegrass music fame.

The heat and humidity were brutal. But I had a good time. I will tell you more later...


  1. Well, you nailed it Donna! You NAILED it! What a spectacular photo. I would say Nashville's city promotions department should be buying your awesome photo for their use. Simply beautiful. Makes me want to visit Nashville!

  2. Wow. What a beautiful shot Donna!! How fun to be on another photo workshop and with Ricky Scaggs no less!! Good luck with your new camera. I'd be lost on that one. Take care. Hugs. Pam

  3. If this is struggling I can't wait to see what you can do when you've got it all figured out. This is gorgeous

  4. Very clever, so glad you enjoy your time with the camera.

  5. Your first attempt, Donna?? Good grief! That is absolutely gorgeous. It needs to be framed and on the wall. Like Linda, it makes me want to visit Nashville too - at night. :-)

  6. Best pic I've ever seen of Nashville - you really seem to know what you're doing with that new camera Donna.
    Tell us more about getting good night time photos - I'm lousy at that!
    Hugs - Mary

  7. Gorgeous, Donna! So... does this mean you're no longer a Nikon girl? :)

    1. Oh, yes. I’m still a Nikon girl! But I sold my heavier Nikon gear (and duplicates that my husband owned), and added some Fuji gear to my inventory. I’m keeping some Nikon equipment to do wildlife photography. Fuji doesn’t have the lenses I need yet for that kind of work. The Fuji equipment is a lot lighter to carry, and that is an important consideration now that I am traveling solo and getting older.

  8. You are so gifted!

    My daughter's boyfriend is from the Nashville area. I think it looks like such a beautiful place!


  9. Echoing Judy...
    What?! Your "first attempt at nighttime photography"?!

  10. First time? Well you should have no problem with a few workshops you'll be an expert!! Beautiful shot. So glad you are out and staying busy :)

  11. You were in Nashville, and didn't take me with you? LOL

    Beautiful pic. I've only been once, and it rained the whole time. I did get some photos though; like Allen Jac*son's house. :)

    Glad to see you here, always.

    1. One of the photo shoots during the workshop was in a large barn on that estate, filled with restored antique cars! Alan Jackson sold the place to a California businessman a few years ago.

  12. What can say that hasn't been said? Your photo is over-the-top fantastic! Award-winning in my book!


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!