
September 9, 2015

Photo of the Week - Red Hot Rod

Nashville, Tennessee

The weekly photo post almost got away from me! Sorry, but I constantly lose track of the days anymore. This photo is a bit of a departure from my usual fare of landscapes and wildlife. Variety is the spice of life, right?

Thanks to a connection by Ricky Skaggs, the Nashville workshop participants were able to visit a huge vintage car collection on the former estate of Allan Jackson. The overhead lighting and high temperature conditions were not optimum, by any stretch of the imagination, so I ended up not taking many photos at this location. But the front of this red hot rod, complete with a requisite bug imbedded in the grillwork, gives you a tiny taste of the hundreds of beautiful automotive creations that were a feast for the eyes.

(As always, click on the image to see it bigger!)


  1. Donna, you rock all kinds of photography!! This is such a cool shot! Love the perspective and the way that you've cropped it. (I guess I'm assuming that you did crop it. Regardless, I like what you chose to include in the pic.) :)

    1. Thanks! That's how I framed it up thru the viewfinder. I had to do a little bit of straightening in Photoshop so only a tiny bit got cropped on the edges.

  2. I did see the bug immediately - glad you left it there Donna, sometimes we're apt to retouch too much - life is not that perfect!
    Great red car photo - but I especially love the other colors which crept in behind the headlight - magenta, lavender, yellow.
    Have good week dear.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. I did some spot removal here and there on the image, but I purposely left the bug. There are hundreds of restored cars stored in this huge building, all of them in pristine, clean condition. Obviously, this particular car had been driven outside at one point and the bug remaining in the grill told the tale!

  3. They don't make them like they use to.
    What a beauty, Donna.

  4. Ooh, bright and shiny things are always great! Very cool shot, as Cheryl said.

  5. What a neat shot. Just enough to know this is an awesome looking car. I love old cars

  6. Wow...great detail, Donna! That would make a really cool framed print that I bet Alan would hang in his home :)

  7. Donna,

    This is a great shot! I love the red hot rod and the bug in the grille. What an awesome poster this would make.


  8. Beautiful! I love old cars and old tractors.

  9. Beautiful photo, Donna!!! I'm like Brenda, love vehicles and planes and all that. :)

  10. Love the photo and the bug! Gorgeous :)

  11. LOVE that red. So pretty, and how cute to see a bug in the grill. LOL


  12. I am Loving the bug...Hahaa...Great job!
    Love thr red...

  13. I missed this one Donna. What a great graphic shot it is. I love vintage cars.

  14. I've been away for a few days without internet connection again. Just catching up a bit. I love the way you've captured the details in this photo. The bug makes it 'real'.


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!