
December 31, 2015

Future Blog Direction

Christ Church Cathedral, Nashville, Tennessee

No worries, folks. I intend to continue posting on this blog, though I am battle weary from life’s turbulence of the past two and a half years. My heart remains broken and I expect that it always will be. But I am moving forward and exploring new directions. This blog has evolved to be less about “cottage days” and more about “journeys.” And a strong photographic emphasis has emerged.

I hope you will continue to visit and admire my photos. Please don’t ever feel any pressure to comment. Simply pop in and receive a little visual love, my gift to you. The goal is to post on a weekly basis. If time is short and/or my mood is down, you can expect fewer words to accompany the photos.

Digital photography has been a terrific creative outlet for me since my retirement eight years ago. I recognize that my skills have gotten much better over time. At the workshops I attended this year, I got very little criticism from the professionals. My work is well received on flickr. I sell on Getty Images and Fine Art America. My photos are stolen on the web regularly, despite uploaded files that are low resolution, watermarked, and copyrighted. I have wrestled Photoshop CC to the ground and have a wealth of supporting programs that further enhance my work.

So where do I go from here with my little hobby?

Well, I will keep on challenging myself with some new programs (e.g., On1 Photo 10, Aurora); participate in several photo tours/workshops this year; tinker around more with iPhone photography; and develop a portfolio web site for additional licensing and sales opportunities. Despite long-held reservations about the medium, I also plan to start a restricted-audience Facebook account devoted to my photography. It will help me network with other serious photographers and keep in touch with friends I make on the photography tours/workshops. If you have a Facebook account and want to request an invite, please let me know.

I also intend to add a new feature here on my blog: Ask Donna. I am not an encyclopedia of knowledge when it comes to photography, by any means. I’ve got my limits (e.g., portrait photography, artificial lighting). But I’ve been around the block quite a bit by developing skills and doing a lot of research. So ask away if you have a burning photography question. You may submit your question in a post comment or via an e-mail. Occasionally (perhaps monthly), I will choose a question and then post an informative answer. Does the opportunity to pick my wee noggin sound promising to you?

Thank you for all of your sweet comments on my previous post. It cheers me to know of your support, understanding, and love.


  1. Wonderful news! Your Ask Donna feature is sure to be popular - I'm thinking of questions already! Happy New Year, dear Donna. May 2016 be a year of continued healing with sparkles of joy.

  2. My dear friend, you 'got' me with this photo! I'm a keyboard musician who LOVES pipe organs - playing and listening. I knew exactly what you had captured so well in your photo. I could almost hear the tones being pumped through those pipes! And I am SO glad you will still be here. I love your idea to do Ask Donna. You know I'll be asking. A lot! You've already been such a big help and inspired me. Now, I just need to make opportunities to get out and try!

  3. I have always been in awe of your beautiful photography, Donna! Wishing you a creative 2016!

  4. Bravo, happy to hear you're sticking around for us.

  5. Glad to know you're still going to be here! You know I'm not a photographer and hardly have time these days to alter the ones I do take, but I LOVE your photo's, Donna. Always so very beautiful.


  6. I am so glad to hear you aren't going to give up blogging altogether. I would miss seeing your beautiful photography and hearing about how you are doing.
    Your plan for the future sounds like a good one.

  7. I'm looking forward to keeping up with you on your blog, Donna. Best wishes for the new year, friend!

  8. Oh good. I was holding my breath. I would love for you to do this feature and another that I have been thinking about, but will not mention unless you are curious. =D

  9. I'm glad you are continuing here Donna! Anytime you find yourself wanting to visit Amish country you let me know! I'd be happy to show you around!


  10. Oh, I am glad for your blessing to take a peek and run, because leaving comments has slipped from the top of my priority list this past fall. I am hoping to be "normal" busy in the New Year, although who ever knows what a year will bring?

    I am also quite glad that you are not leaving your blog, but, instead, are altering it to reflect your current life and passions. Both of your blogs have been so inspirational to me in my own photography journey! I take joy in looking at life through my lens, and I thank you for encouraging my small efforts and teaching me to see things in new ways. I am excited about your "Ask Donna" feature!

    May the New Year be one filled with grace and hope!!

  11. I admire your photos. I learn a lot by watching how you make your photos.
    I admire the person you let us see through your photos.
    I am a virtual admirer because I live far, far away and I put
    you in my prayers several times.
    I wish you a very productive 2016. Good health, travel and many beautiful pictures.
    I'll be here always looking and I enjoyed the new plans for your blog.

  12. Yay! We can keep coming here to visit our wonderful Donna! I love your seeing things through your eyes and thoroughly enjoy my visits here. My hope is that you have the best New Year possible ((hugs))

  13. Yes, I'm on FB and yes, it would be fun to read and learn from the best...and I promise to sit quietly in the back of the classroom and be very quiet!Lolol

  14. I'm glad you are sticking around! I'm looking forward to more stunning photos and maybe learning a thing or two!

  15. I've decided in order to make me whole, God had to break my heart but I've gotta tell ya, Donna, I'm tired of being broken. Best of success with your beautiful photography and best wishes for this year.

  16. Hi Donna, I'm happy to hear you will continue blogging and sharing your photo skills and knowledge along with your beautiful photography. It will be a good learning tool for me and I sure need help! I am on Facebook but not under my blog name and would be interested in joining you there if you'd add me (email me for the name please). I wish you a fresh year of joy and healing and learning. Blessings to you.

  17. I will be looking forward to your pictures!


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!