
May 4, 2016

Photo of the Week - Pemaquid Point Lighthouse at Dawn

Bristol, Maine

What were you doing at 5:30 a.m. EDT last Friday? I bet you were sleeping! I was standing at this spot, braving cold winds from the Atlantic Ocean, and enjoying this spectacular view. This beautiful lighthouse is located at the tip of Pemaquid Neck. It was built in 1827 after being commissioned by President John Quincy Adams. The structure was rebuilt in 1835 because salt water was used in the original mortar mix. Pemaquid Point Lighthouse may look vaguely familiar to you because it is featured on the Maine quarter. (Be sure to click on the image to see it bigger!)

I participated in another photography tour last week, this time on the southeast coastline of Maine! The last time I visited was 10 years ago with Mr. Jim. We had traveled up to the state about a half a dozen times over the years, and we always enjoyed the memorable scenery, delicious seafood, and attractive New England style architecture. It was sad to revisit places like Pemaquid because I couldn’t help to think back to happy and younger times. But I was grateful to see the Maine coastline again in all of its glory. Our small tour group photographed 13 lighthouses, and I saw several of them for the first time.

I made more new friends on this trip and enjoyed the company of three from previous tours. And I survived the rigors of solo traveling and captured a few pretty photographs along the way. Once the tour ended on Friday early afternoon, I quickly scooted down the road to meet up in Freeport with long-time blogging friend, Miz Vee, of A Haven for Vee. She is a delightful lady, and I am blessed to count her as a devoted friend! Please visit her post HERE to read a summary of our grand visit.


  1. I read Vee's blog post on your visit together. I'm happy to see you continuing in your gift of photography. Since I live on the west coast I'm sure I was snoring while your took this beautiful photo!

  2. When I read Vee's post about your meeting, I was so happy for both of you! That's a gorgeous photo of the lighthouse at dawn. Photographers are dedicated to their craft! I was definitely sound asleep when you snapped that one.

  3. As was I...sound asleep that is. Wowzer! It's so incredibly beautiful. I have never seen it look more lovely.

  4. Donna, how fabulous that got to meet up with Vee in Freeport. Love the pic of you two.
    Your Maine photo trip must have been wonderful - hope you share more photos later.
    When I lived in NH I spent most Summers in Maine at the coast - mostly Ogunquit Beach.
    Lovely memories!

    Mary -

  5. Awww! Her post was SO sweet! Glad you are getting out and about girl! I know you two chatted away the afternoon!
    Love the shot!!

  6. I saw that you had meet up with Vee! As one who had done that also, I know you had a good time! I was so glad to know you are friends, too!

    This is a beautiful photo, and it has made my desire to visit Maine, again, stronger! Look at that beautiful morning light and that coastline!

    Thanks for sharing Donna!

  7. So wonderful you were able to make some new friends on the trip, plus get to meet Vee and have such a wonderful time! I lived in Maine for 6 years and absolutely love it! You are so brave and I am so proud of you for getting out and enjoying life as well as you can. Many hugs to you, Donna! P.S. I read Vee's blog and it was so sweet :)

  8. Donna! You know I've always loved your photos, but THIS IS MY VERY FAVORITE! I've probably said that before, but this is simply gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing, and while I know it's difficult to visit places that you and Mr Jim have been, I feel positive this is exactly what he would want you to do. I do love you, Ms Donna. xoxo

  9. I love lighthouses and I'd love to do a tour of lighthouses around the country. I know many of the west coast lighthouses well but there are so many more. Your photo brings it to life. So glad you were able to visit with Miz Vee. I'll scoot over to her blog to read more about your time together.


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!