
July 13, 2016

Photo of the Week - Curtis Island Lighthouse Panorama

Curtis Island, Camden, Maine

This photo almost didn’t happen! A visit to the Curtis Island Lighthouse was not on the planned itinerary for our photography tour. The light is located on an island at the entrance to Camden harbor, and it is best seen from a boat. Jim and I sailed past it many eons ago while enjoying an afternoon cruise on an antique schooner.

I started a friendly conversation with a local fellow walking two dogs, and he revealed how to get to a nice vantage point along the coastline - and not trespass on private property! In my photo shoot, I decided to take five shots across the entire five-acre island to create a digitally “stitched” panorama in Photoshop.

Don't forget to click on the image to see it bigger!


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!