
November 2, 2016

Photo of the Week - Dawn Break at Oxbow Bend

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Once again, I’m going to post and run. I’m sorry, but free time is rare in my life. I sure could use a personal assistant! I have late-breaking news to tell, but that will have to wait for a couple of days. Go ahead and sit on the edge of those seats…

In the meantime, please enjoy this black and white rendition of beautiful Mount Moran, as seen at Oxbow Bend of the Snake River. I have been bombarding you with very colorful Smokies images for several weeks. So it is time to mix things up a bit and celebrate simplicity.  As always, click on the image to see it bigger!


  1. This is quite stunning. I love it. I'm also very curious about your late-breaking news.

  2. Your Smokies images are beautiful in colour AND in black and white. Looking forward to the news...

  3. Waiting and wondering!
    Beautiful b/w photo Donna.

  4. Well I hope it's GOOD late, breaking news! I'll be waiting to hear!

  5. Another favorite photo, Donna! Very beautiful.

    Okay, I want to know!!! :)


  6. Yes, please tell us some news besides giving us your spectacular pictures!


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!