March 2, 2008


The birds around here keep us entertained. We've gone through a couple hundred pounds of sunflower and thistle seed this winter. We stock up with good quality seed down at a local farmers’ co-op store, and our feathered friends gobble it up in no time flat! My sweet baboo fills up the feeders about every other day. The heat and drought of 2007 in this area were harsh for the wildlife. So that may explain their nonstop hunger.

We have several hanging-style feeders, but the bigger birds love the gazebo one the best. We got it from an Amish woodworker in Pennsylvania about 15 years ago. A yellow-bellied sapsucker has been hammering away at the old wood this season, adding to its weathered charm. He’s a shy fellow, though, who quickly darts away whenever I grab my camera. So you will have to settle for a picture of a beautiful cardinal.

Cardinal at the Gazebo Feeder

The chickadees are especially fond of the suet cakes.

Suet Breakfast for a Chickadee
And, the bluebirds are already scouting out available housing for their new families in 2008.

Bluebird on a Househunting Trip


  1. Ohhhh they are just gorgeous. When I visited the States 2 years ago I was like a big kid watching the Cardinals, Blue Jays and Woodpeckers. It was so exciting to see these birds that we dont have here in Oz...hugs Khris

  2. We also have a family od Redbirds in our back yard. They are So beautiful! Have a fun day!

  3. Donna, these pictures could easily be featured in Birds and Blooms...they are just lovely and the birds such brilliant colors. Thanks so much for bringing the hope of Spring to us here in Illinois!!I too have daphodils but they haven't come up yet as our ground is still frozen.

  4. Love you birdie pictures! It's one of my things...watching the birds. We only see an occasional bluebird....since we are in the beautiful!

    :-) Rosie

  5. Thank you! The tweeters around here keep us entertained!


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