November 17, 2010

Polar Bear Country: The Snow Boogie

The blizzard began when our tour group went on an evening trip on the tundra rover. Heading out at dusk, I didn’t expect any exceptional photo opportunities. So I only took my little Coolpix camera on the excursion. Little did we know that we would see something both magical and hilarious. The episode has to be one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my life.

One doesn’t get many opportunities in their lifetime to witness pure bliss and whimsy by a wild animal. But that night was a special night. Snow was blasting across the tundra with 40 mph winds and accumulating, much to the delight to our bear friends. The quality of these pictures is poor due to the conditions and a wet lens, but I have to share them with you. It’s the middle of the week; the rush and stresses of the holiday season are upon us; and you are in need of some humor!

Folks, this is the story of “the snow boogie”.

About a half hour after we loaded into the polar rover, a bear came up alongside the vehicle, about 30 feet from us. The driver stopped. The bear moved into position, as if on cue.

He settled down among some shrub willows and began a brief warm-up. We had no idea what was going to transpire during the next 10-15 minutes. But we would be transfixed!

Suddenly, the boogie business began! He dropped and proceeded to roll around in the cold snow with no qualms about indignities.

Then it was on to the cheesecake pose, making sure that his admirers were catching the action on their cameras!

The thrill of the cold snow soon overwhelmed him. He began rubbing his head and kicking up his heals, lost in the revelry!

With a brief pause, he looked back as us (to make sure we were mesmerized by the performance) and gave us a wink! The scamp!

Confident that he had us locked under his spell, he proceeded to throw some more leg kicks while thrashing about.

Blissful contentment was obvious as he stretched out and savored the spotlight.

Sweet remembrances of past winters consumed him as he curled up in a ball and stroked his furry head. He didn’t mind the willow bush that was poking the back of his noggin.

In fact, he wore that bush as a temporary wig while flinging himself back for a spectacular and final boogie pose!

Ah, the snow boogie came an end, and now the little bush was under his rump. No matter! Amid our howls of laughter, he gave a contented sigh. The boogie bear knew that we thoroughly enjoyed his routine.

His work was done. It was time to sleep and dream of a glorious winter season ahead!

~~~ the end ~~~


  1. there's no words for such a magical sight. something to remember all your days.

  2. Oh my that must have been so much fun to watch. He was quite the entertainer wasn't he. From the looks of that last picture the show must have wore him out. Loved it and I think the pictures are wonderful

  3. Oh DONNA!!! This was Wonderful!!! What a thrill to have seen that dance! I believe he Really knew y'all were watching and enjoying his performance!
    I don't know How you'll be able to top This post... Nah, You Will!!Hahaaa

  4. What an awesome experience. Thank you for sharing it.

    I think the photos look great. A few of them have a funny color around his groin area but maybe that's just what he looks like.

  5. Love this post! What a very special trip! Now I'm getting past the point of being happy that YOU got this opportunity and approaching downright JEALOUSY! I want to go! For now I'll be satisfied with your wonderful stories and pictures. But maybe someday.....

  6. Wow, Donna. They are gorgeous photos, and an amazing event for you to witness.

    Love ALL the photos of the bears below as well. As well as your "Broken" shots too!

  7. Oh what fun! The cheesecake shot and comment are hilarious.

  8. I am so happy y'all were able to take this trip and so proud that you're willing to share!

  9. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh how amazing! That big wild creature, putting on a show for "the folks." And even checking, to make sure, he still had you mesmerized.



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