November 18, 2010

Polar Bear Country: Snow!

There’s no doubt about it. People may not like snow, but polar bears sure do! On our final day out on the tundra rover, we saw many happy bears. There were quite a few congregated out near the tundra lodge (where some guest stay overnight), so that’s where all the vehicles headed.

This poor fellow was surrounded by four rovers. It was bitterly cold with a fierce wind still blowing. You can see that nobody in the rover across from us was braving the elements out on the back deck. I about froze, but I took many of the day’s photos out on our rover’s deck. It was so worth it!

All he was trying to do was catch a few zzz’s, but the paparazzi descended upon him!

Look at that frown! “Hey, can’t I get a little peace and quiet around here?!”

He finally realized that napping was a futile activity. Much to our delight, he decided to groom himself instead. Lots of licking and scratching ensued. This photo shows the massive size of his back foot!

He was actually in a deep-cleaning mode here, but I thought it looked like he was giving us the raspberries for being hopeless voyeurs!

Most of the bears were close by on this final day, but this one provided a good photo opportunity of the snow-covered tundra and ponds.

This gorgeous creature put on quite a show of polar yoga moves, exercising those massive legs! Ah-ONE!

And ah-TWO!

And whoop-dee-DOO!

And after all the mid-day activities, it was time for this critter to have a little shut-eye. Sweet dreams, Mister Bear!

Are you bored with my polar bear pictures yet? I hope not because the best are yet to come! I have two more installments in this series. What’s next? Our close encounter!


  1. Those are fabulous pictures my friend. Have mercy. It's hard to believe that they are vicious creatures because they are so cute!

    Have a great night my friend.

  2. So adorable and cuddly looking. Course I know that they are wild creatures, but he does seem to be comfortable with all the gawkers.

  3. I am loving these photos. You are making me want to go so I can photograph them too.

  4. These are GREAT Donna!! More! More!!
    LOVE the "look" of your photos Girl!! Beautiful!

  5. I'm lovin' looking at these magestic creatures!

  6. Bored? no way. I'm starting my day with a smile now because of those yoga moves.

  7. These are great!! I love the ones where he's lying down touching his feet(paws??) Hahaha.....great photos...looks like a wonderful time!!

  8. These are beyond amazing! I've laughed until there were tears in my eyes. A very good feeling. I love polar bears more than I ever knew I did.

  9. awwwwww..... isn't he the big show-off!


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