
January 22, 2012

4-Year Blogging Anniversary Celebration!

My blog turned 4 years old on January 1st, and I promised to have a little celebration to commemorate this milestone. I planned way back in early December to have a different kind of giveaway this time. Unlike most giveaways, you don’t enter on this post. All my faithful friends who commented during the month of December were included in a surprise drawing! 

December was a tough month for us because of hubby’s surgery. So I wasn’t able to post as much as usual. My dear blogging friends stuck with me, faithfully commented when I posted, and lifted our spirits. You have no idea how much you brightened our days! And it is precisely because of such dedication that I continue this blog and try to bring a little cheer back to you. 

So here is the surprise gift! I recently made up a batch of handmade cards that feature some of my scenic Alaska photos. 

As a token of my appreciation, a set of cards will go out to the following four winners:

Donna of Made in Heaven

Irene of Irene's Desk

Congratulations! And THANK YOU for being my friend!


  1. Oh what a sweet thing for you to do! Congrats to all four of your winners!

  2. Oh my goodness, thank you so much. What a sweetheart you are.
    Happy blogoversary to you and rest assured that you do indeed cheer me with every single post you write.

  3. SWEET! Thank you Donna! I love surprises like this and you know how much I love your cards AND most importantly being your friend.

  4. Oh Donna!!
    What a boost to my evening!! These are absolutely Gorgeous!!! I can't thank you enough!
    You've Always been such a wonderful friend... I will forever be glad the day I found your blog. Your photos alone would keep me coming back for more!
    Thank you again sweet friend! Here's to another 4 years!!

  5. Hi Donna, Congrats on your blogaversary... I will have been blogging for 6 years in June of 2012... Hard to believe. I didn't get on Blogger until 2009 --and lost all of my info before that time when I switched. (I was on a little site called Lightblog.)

    Congrats to the winners.. That is a wonderful gift.


  6. What a wonderful surprise. thank you ever so much. You must know though that you are a real pleasure to visit with.

  7. You are such a clever girl to do your blogaversary giveaway in a different way. Makes us comment slackers think twice before saying to ourselves 'I'll be back in a little while to comment' and then letting time slip away. Congrats on 4 years and to the winners!

  8. Congrats to the winners and congrats to you for your 4 year blogiversary!! The cards are awesome!

  9. Congratulations on 4 years, Donna! And, I'm happy for the winners as you do such beautiful work.

    So glad that hubby is doing better.

    Have a wonderful day!

  10. How nice! Congratulations to the winners!

  11. these are lovely! so glad your dh is on the mend and things getting back to normal again! Best wiahes!

  12. How sweet of you! Congrats to your winners! I love these cards! Your photos are all wonderful! ♥

  13. Congratulations to the lucky winners! The cards are great and definitely a wonderful giveaway. I love your surprise way of doing it, too. :) Hugs! I was happy to read that hubby is doing so grand!

  14. Congratulations to all and what a beautiful gift!! This was a neat idea Donna and we're all happy hubby is feeling better :)

    I just love this photo ♥♥♥

  15. Wonderful! Congratulations to all! It's hard to imagine life without Cottage Days and Journeys.


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!