
January 21, 2012

Lovely Scene, Lovely News

Ah, we need a bit of a break from the furry bears, don’t you think? Yes, we do! Here is a lovely photo to cheer your day! I captured this vignette of wild roses and a picket fence when we visited Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia. The lone flower, nodding over the fence railing, was begging for my camera’s attention. I adore cottage scenes like this! I processed the image with a high dynamic range (HDR) filter, added some “glow”, and toned down the saturation. Viola!

So what is the lovely news, you ask? My sweet baboo visited the doctor yesterday for a 6-week checkup. The verdict? Hubby is doing splendidly with his new bionic hip! He no longer needs to use the cane and does not require any outpatient therapy. And, he was also delighted to hear that he can now drive again, so he’s not tethered to my weekend chauffeuring services. He will continue with his at-home exercises and have another follow-up doctor's visit in three months. He appreciates all your inquiries and good wishes!


  1. Your photos are so inspiring, Donna! Makes me want to get my camera out and shoot away!

  2. The best kind of news!

    Peggy's Cove is a beautiful spot with not much going on besides little scenes such as you've shared and the rocks and the ocean.

  3. I have to agree with Farmgirl on your photo's.

    So happy to hear that hubs is doing well. :)


  4. Wonderful news. So glad to hear it.
    Love the photo too

  5. Your blog title says it all! You have a lovely picture (as always) and lovely news about your husband. So glad that he is doing well.

  6. Way to go Baboo! I love you photo, I'm always drawn to paint these little snipetts of lovely. I need to add a birdhouse for some reason, Thanks for sharing.

  7. First of all YAY for hubby. I'm sure he's thrilled!
    Second, that picture is GORGEOUS!!!

  8. Yes! You two will be dancing for Valentine's Day! Great news and I love the photo...

  9. I love this pleasant scene, also. Nice shot! It's relaxing, somehow.

  10. So glad your baboo is up and at em again. I love your rose at the fence photo!

  11. Truly spectacular news and photo!

  12. I'm so happy to hear about your Hubby's hip! That's an amazing recovery!


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