
June 14, 2014

A Personal Photo Challenge - Stormy Weather

It’s time for A Personal Photo Challenge! “Stormy Weather” is the theme this month. It happens to be very apropos because my husband’s health has been shaky for the past couple of days, resulting in hospitalization. He is stabilized now and hopefully on the mend. But the timing wasn't good, that's for sure. I’m sacrificing a little bit of sleep so that I don’t miss out on my own photo challenge!

A Personal Photo Challenge

My go-to camera for the past few months has been a new iPhone. The beautiful Nikon DSLRs have been patiently waiting for our situation to improve and less time devoted to caretaking tasks. The iPhone has been an indispensible tool, and it was fortuitous that I purchased it. And it is wonderful to have a nifty little camera available wherever I go.

As a result, I wanted to feature iPhone photos for this month’s challenge, and all of the subject matter was right in my neighborhood. No journeys required for these! The images were treated to my standard post-processing in Photoshop (rather than using mobile apps). Don't forget to click on each one to see them bigger.

I recorded this hillside scene through the windshield of my car, coming home from shopping errands one day. A storm was brewing, and I was attempting to beat a cascade of raindrops. Were there actually big bolts of lightning in the sky? No, I added those with some convenient Photoshop brushes. I love little shortcuts like that!

As a spring storm was ending one evening, an astounding sunset made a surprise appearance when the last bundle of dark clouds moved across the sky. We have a few bare lots next to us in the subdivision. So we benefit from an uncluttered silhouette for sunsets this time of year.

The final photo was captured just last week. A strong storm system rapidly moved in one evening, and crazy me was out on the front porch, clicking away with the iPhone. It was quite an ominous sight to see the dramatic line of dark clouds race overhead. Reflected light on a neighbor’s house and a black/white treatment add to the drama. A wide crop emphasizes the dark cloud layer.

I hope you will visit A Personal Photo Challenge blog and check out the creative efforts of other participants too!


  1. These are beautiful! I think I like the black & white the best. It is so simple, but so dramatic. Do hope your hubby is feeling better. Thinking of you!

  2. Great photos Donna. You are amazing, getting fantastic shots like that on your iphone, and then going without sleep to share them with us.
    I have been trying to find one of my favourite storm shots amongst my photos without luck, so was glad there were some storm clouds on the NYC church photo I had on my blog when you visited.

  3. What? You added the lightning? You're an artist! That last one has so much movement and drama to it. Yes, Donna, if ever there was metaphor in this world, you've lived it this month. Hope that you can get a few winks today. And we are still praying...

  4. I was at a garden writers event this week and was amazed at how many were only using iPhones for their photos. These stormy days of yours are fantastic, especially when you can add your own lightning.
    Sending get well wishes for Jim and a big hug for you.

  5. love these intense photos! crafty add on the lighting strikes! i do hope jim will be better!

  6. Donna thanks again for hosting. I love your photos but definitely like the last one best. Great lightening art work! Thinking of you and your husband and sorry for all you are dealing with. My hubby had two of those in the space of one year. We are grateful for each day.

  7. Praying Jim does much better.
    I got tickled that you added lightening strikes....pretty cool.
    Love the black and white.....

  8. Gorgeous photo's, Donna!

    I'm so sorry about hubby being hospitalized. My love and prayers to you both.

  9. Gorgeous photos, as always! I'm so sorry the storms in your life have increased. Sending prayers that Jim will soon be home and on the mend.

  10. Beautiful photos, Donna! So sorry to hear that your hubby is in the hospital, but glad he is on the mend! xo

  11. O colorido do por do sol sobre as nuvens negras é muto bonito mas o tratamento de luz na ultima foto foi maravilhoso!
    Saúde para seu marido e serenidade para você!
    Um abraço!
    Colorful sunset over the black clouds is beautiful but werent light treatment in the last photo was wonderful!
    Health for her husband and serenity for you!

  12. Oh my...what awesome shots, Donna! Who knew you could edit lightening into a photo? Not me! That effect is awesome! These others are are just simply breathtaking as well. So glad to hear your husband has made it through that little setback!

  13. Gorgeous photos, Donna! I love them all but the first one is really special. Hoping and praying for better health for your husband.

  14. How absolutely amazing. Hoping and praying your Babu is feeling better soon.

  15. Donna! These are fabulous! Don't you just love that IPhone? The last shot really draws you in.
    You and Jim are in my prayers daily. I hope this storm passes soon for you.

  16. Amazing is again the word that comes to mind! These beauties...on an iPhone?! (Of course, I don't have an iPhone, so I really don't know its capabilities, but these look as if they came from "professional" equipment to my eye.)

    Your lightening is quite convincing. :) The sunset is spectacular. And that last image...oh my. Dramatic, ominous, brooding...amazing.

    Continuing to pray for you and Mr. Jim...

  17. I saw the bolts of lightening and about Freaked!!!Hahaaaa....Great edit!
    Love the All girl! Hope Jim is feeling better today??!!!
    Sending prayers sweet friend...Larry's Mom has been in the hospital off and on this whole month...She's 85, fell and broke 2 vertebra in her neck. They are trying to fix them but her bones are too soft....

  18. You had me fooled with that first one. I was impressed at your timing with an iPhone camera to capture those lightning bolts.
    It's amazing to me that it's possible to take such great pictures with a cell phone

  19. Donna, your photos are amazing! The sky's colors in photo 2 are out of this world, and I love the b&w 3rd photo! You have such an artistic eye! Have a beautiful Sunday!

  20. Donna these are so magnificent. Your techniques do inspire me to learn more.
    Thank you for all you share.
    These photos are gorgeous !

  21. Great storm photos, Donna... We finally got a 'tad' of rain this past week --but still need more. This week doesn't look very promising.

    God Bless Jim--and you.

  22. Wow, your phone pictures are awesome! Love the added lightning. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband, hopefully his health will continue to improve.

  23. These photos are full of intensity, Donna. The impending storm in black and white is really striking. Love the wide crop to emphasize the line of clouds.
    I hope this week will be much improved over the last. Keeping you and Mr. Jim in my prayers.

  24. What stunning photos, I am so pleased I discovered your challenge, now following you to make sure I keep in touch.

  25. OK You're not so crazy because I love to stand on the porch and watch an approaching storm. The scarier the better! Love the photos!!!

  26. Having an iPhone is great, isn't it? Your pictures are always amazing, whatever camera you use! Prayers for Mr. Jim.

  27. The lightening is amazing! I didn't even know you could capture it in a photo. I don't think I've ever tried! I hope you are having a good week my friend! Sweet hugs to you both, Diane

  28. Oh these are just gorgeous! I have to say you fooled me with the lightning in the first one! nice photo editing!


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!