
June 11, 2014

Photo of the Week - Burr Trail Welcomes Spring Weather

Burr Trail, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah

Above is another photo from our April 2013 self-drive adventure in southern Utah. We stopped on a high road switchback to enjoy an aerial view of Long Canyon, which stretches for seven miles. Looking across the canyon from our vantage point was a mesa consisting of stair step ledges. 

Tenacious trees and bushes had found niches to grow and thrive. Spring foliage on the cottonwood trees down in the canyon was drenched with backlighting. The green color provided a striking foreground to compliment the Navajo sandstone in the background.

The scene was a happy study of contrasts: big and small trees; vibrant red and green colors; hard and soft surfaces; bright light and shadows. I hope you will look for such contrasts in your photo shoots too!


  1. just neat seedlings with a strong will!

  2. Fantastically beautiful view! Thanks for sharing it!

  3. So, so beautiful!

    Hugs and prayers.

  4. It is a lovely view! The Cottonwood trees are beautiful!

  5. I never realized how beautiful Utah is...
    Now I want to visit there!

  6. It really is beautiful Donna. I like the red rock and the greens of the trees.

  7. Strikingly beautiful landscape!

    I see the contrasts! You are gifted with a photographer's eye. (Or did you learn to see such things through training and/or experience?)

  8. Wow...truly gorgeous scenery and skillful photography...breathtaking!

  9. Beautiful photo. I love the Utah area --and want to go back and see more of it sometime.

    Hope Mr. Jim is doing okay. God's blessings on you both.

  10. Oh my goodness, I never thought about ever seeing area like this one. It almost looks like the area I use to live in. Very beautiful and breath taking, but yet a bit uneasy feeling to stand and look over the edge. Love your camera work. You guys are really good.

  11. You and Jim are in my prayers... these are such breath taking photos Donna!


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!