
June 26, 2014

Taking the Summer Off

yellow bouquet from a friend, photo via iPhone

Okay, did that post title make you snap to attention? You are probably wondering if I am taking the summer off from blogging. No way. Don’t panic! I will still be blogging.

However, the routine of our lives will change and improve for the next two months. Mr. Jim is taking a needed break from chemotherapy! His scan last week showed that his cancer has not progressed any further. The six rounds of chemo successfully held it at bay. The regimen was very tough and produced a lot of adverse side effects. My regular followers know that he has been hospitalized twice in the past month for various ailments related to the cancer and treatment. He’s been put through the wringer!

So it is time for a pause to enjoy some semblance of a "normal" life again. We plan to have a nice rest from the constant hustle back and forth to the cancer institute and the long hours spent there. Mr. Jim will have a chance to get back his appetite and build some strength. We’re also going to have a little fun during our summer hiatus. (More about that in a later post.)

Another scan is scheduled toward the end of August. We’ll see where we stand at that point and proceed from there.

yellow bouquet, painterly style
created with various iPhone/iPad apps

As always, thank you for the continued prayers on our behalf. I can’t thank you enough for all of your very kind comments, encouragement, letters, and cards. God bless all of you!


  1. i am so very glad you can get a breather so you can soak in some joy. :)

  2. This is some great news; I'm happy with, and for, you.

  3. Donna, I so glad to hear that your hubby's cancer has not progressed and that a much needed break is coming your way! May this be a time of peace and relaxation for you both! The flowers are so lovely and the artistic app is really a nice effect. Blessings!

  4. I'm so glad that you guys are going to have the chance to have some fun this summer and that the chemo did it's job once again! Wonderful!

  5. That's good news. You both need some time to rest and hopefully even soak up some sun. We keep you both in our prayers my friend. Take care! Sending you lots of hugs today, Diane

  6. No progression; thank you Lord!
    I sure hope Mr Jim gets his appetite back
    and can enjoy some good food. I hope
    also that you can get some much needed

  7. Oh, and those are those beautiful flowers, and I like what you
    did in the second pic.

  8. What good news, indeed. Do enjoy the break, I'm sure you both will enjoy the break, and enjoy some delicious food, and restful times.

  9. It's so good to hear some positive news. You both need to enjoy your summer and we'll keep up with the prayers.

  10. That's the best news I've heard all day!! Rejoicing with you and Mr. Jim!!

  11. Now this is a day brightener. So glad that you both have this time to take a break and regain strength. Nice to read that you are planning something, too. Sending love...

  12. That is great news Donna. Time for a break and some well deserved R&R. Relax, rest up and enjoy summer's bounty. Love the bouquet and the painterly version!
    Hugs to you both!

  13. That is certainly good news, have a wonderful couple of months together.


  14. I'm glad the scan didn't show further progress and that you will be able to take a break. It's time! You both need it! I won't take a break from praying, dear friend.

  15. Your post title did get my attention. I thought you meant from blogging which would have been perfectly understandable but I'm glad that's not what you meant :)
    It will be nice for the two of you to take a break and enjoy the summer.

  16. So glad you will both get abreak from the drudgery of appointments hospitals and the like...I hope Jim can eat and enjoy food once more to some degree and get some 'meat" on him! Hope this rest time gives you both renewed strength and vigour xx

  17. My heart sank when I read the post title, but it lifted again when I read that there has been no progression. Hooray! I hope that the next two months will be filled with quiet times of rest and rejuvenation for both of you. Keeping you in my prayers.

  18. Oh yes, Donna wonderful news. Prayers are still coming your way, believe me. Cancer is such a sneaky mess. We just never know and our vigilance is so vital. So glad you get to have a break, so glad. Gotta hit the hay. Love to you! Renae

  19. Wonderful news for you both. You certainly deserve this much needed break. I hope you have a wonderful summer--

  20. Glad that Jim gets a break --and hopefully, both of you can relax and enjoy a couple of months together --having FUN!!!

  21. Yay! It's definitely time for a break for you two. Enjoy your time. The rest of us will be sending prayers that the happy time lasts and lasts and lasts. :) God bless you both. And HUGS!

  22. Wonderful, Donna. I must admit I did think you were going to take a break from blogging, from the title, so I am glad that we will get to still hear from you from time to time, and that you and Mr Jim will get to have some precious time at home to sit...and do some different things at last! I was thinking of you earlier today. God Bless in this precious new direction.

  23. Oh Donna, so happy to hear that Mr. Jim will get a much needed break. May you both have a sweet time of relief and refreshment.


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!