
June 25, 2014

Photo of the Week - Burr Trail Rocky Sentinels

Long Canyon on the Burr Trail
Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah

When we drove through Long Canyon portion of the Burr Trail, we marveled at the size of the sandstone cliffs that surrounded us. The walls ascend as high as 600 feet above the canyon floor. We passed many humongous boulders close to the road and said a few prayers that more wouldn’t come tumbling down while we were passing through!

Rock fractures and erosion are very evident in this rugged landscape. The white rock shades are created from water leaching through the sandstone. And erosion from long-ago floods created the “swiss cheese” holes visible in the upper right-hand side of photo.

P.S. Be sure to click on the photo to see it bigger!


  1. OHM Beautiful! The color of the rocks against the blue sky is stunning!

  2. That is truly amazing, Donna. Just look at all the colors and the deep etchings. Fantastic.

  3. marvelous array of color and texture!

  4. WOW...such a thing of beauty! Wonderful colors against that deep blue sky! I have been praying for you and your family :) Have a blessed rest of the week!

  5. Absolutely gorgeous! :)

    Thinking of you both; prayers continue.

  6. Love the Swiss cheese look, perfect description. Great photo.

  7. I see a Frog King, a woman screaming, toads and Chinese emperors...I may need a nap. Incredible formations.

    1. I see the frog king in the upper right, LOL! Sweet dreams...

  8. I've never been to Utah. I think next time I go out west that will be the destination.
    Nature is amazing isn't it?

  9. I'm glad I clicked on the photo to see it larger. It makes a big difference and really shows the landscape and variations in the rock. It's beautiful. I'd worry about falling boulders too!

  10. it's a gorgeous photo. seeing this in pictures is just amazing but I'm sure it's nothing like the experience of seeing it in real life.

  11. So pretty there...Sending you both hugs, prayer and love!


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