
July 18, 2014

It's Bear Cam Season Again!

I remember with great fondness our grand adventure trip to Alaska exactly three years ago.  The itinerary included the famed Brooks Falls area of Katmai National Park so that we could photograph brown bears.

There are live video cams operating now, so you can watch the bears without leaving the comforts of home!  Click HERE for the web link.

This journey was such fun, I would go back again in a heartbeat!  The bears are truly magnificent creatures.


  1. We loved watching the antics going on last summer. Thanks! Will crank it up later today.

  2. Donna
    I saved this site in my favorites from when you shared it last year.
    I pop over every so often to watch the bears.
    How neat it must have been to be right there and see them.
    I know they have a place in Haines Alaska where you can observe them too.
    That is probably were I will have to view them live!

  3. Donna!

    These are AWESOME! I remember that trip and how much you guys enjoyed it!

    I hope you two are feeling as well as you can on this day.

  4. What huge and beautiful creatures!! Yesterday, as a friend and I were headed to town, just north of our house we slowed down for a black bear that was lumbering across the road ahead, and when we did, a tiny fawn and doe went prancing across the road just in front of our car! I felt like we were at a zoo! These bear photos are marvelous, Donna. What an experience to see them in person!

  5. I remember that trip - it was about that time that I started reading your blog. I'll be checking on the bears after commenting here. Hope you two are doing well. Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. It must have been fascinating to see these bears in person (bear?)! As it is, I'll be content as an armchair traveler and visit them via bear cam. A while back, I followed your link and shared some bear time with the girls...we all loved it!

  7. Donna, Bob and I are sitting here with dueling Macs having more fun than you can imagine watching the bears fishing!

    Thanks for the link - we visited Alaska several years ago but never saw this wonderful wildlife experience.

    Mary XX

  8. I remember your trip and I loved all the photos you shared here. I just went over to check out the web cam and I think I lost a half hour watching.

  9. awesome! I've never seen this before..thank you for posting it..
    Love, Mona

  10. Genial! Obrigada!
    Incredible! Thank you!

  11. How amazing! Hubby and I are both on our computers watched the live cam at Brooks Falls....2 huge bears fishing! Thanks so much for the link my friend! Sending you big hugs, Diane


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!