
July 20, 2014

Wyoming Trip Cancelled

We’re in the process of canceling reservations for our planned trip in late September to the Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks. As in the case of the Newfoundland trip (where we were supposed to be touring right now), it just wasn’t meant to be. Having our hearts set on doing some landscape and wildlife photography during the spectacular fall season, we’re understandably disappointed and upset. But, that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

We don’t know what will be happening in September (chemotherapy or not), and whether Mr. Jim would be able to travel. However, we aren't comfortable in risking the loss of a substantial amount of money if we wait too long to cancel. The national park lodges, in particular, are very ruthless in their cancellation policies.

We’ll explore the possibility of an automobile trip later on this year.


  1. I'm so sorry you've had to cancel this trip but hopefully you can start planning for another adventure by car. Sending you both a 'bear hug' this afternoon, Diane

  2. Donna, I am so sorry and know how you feel. Dave and I were less than 2 weeks from leaving the USA, headed to Paris, Eurorail pass in hand and were going to spend a month riding the rails. It wasn't meant to be and I still mourn all the losses.

  3. Oh Donna, I'm sorry to hear you have to change your plans, but I am sure it is for the best right now. Sending love and prayers your way...xo

  4. i am sorry, but i think taking the pressure off yourselves is a good thing.

  5. Talk about adjusting the sails...

    A road trip sounds lovely, though. You are your own masters that way and can follow your own path.

    Love to you both...

  6. sorry you had to cancel your trip. Hopefully a road trip will be in your future.

  7. I left a comment earlier but I think it vanished into cyberspace... So sorry that you've had to cancel your trip, but it's good that you are putting your health first and foremost. Hope you get to do a car adventure later on... Hugs and prayers to you both.

  8. I also hope you'll be able to take a road trip, Donna. Don't blame you for doing the cancellation.

  9. I know how much your look forward to and enjoy these trips Donna.
    Just put it on the back burner for now.... for me half the fun and excitement of travel is the planning and the anticipation! There will be more trips to enjoy.
    Shane xox

  10. Oh PHOOEY! I'm sorry to hear this, but you are wise to cancel while you can get a refund!

  11. Oh bummer. Donna! But hopefully you will get to travel a little sometime in the fall.

  12. Not fun. Sorry to hear this, but better to do it now and save the funds. Perhaps a more spontaneous car trip later will be feasible.

  13. I'm sorry you've had to cancel trips and plans, but glad you are sensitive to the reality that you need to do it now to save money. You can always reschedule at another time! We recently had to cancel a much-looked-forward-to trip next month because of the needs of everyday life here at home, with family. I've been so disappointed but have known we did the right thing. I hope you will be pleasantly surprised in the fall so you can plan a trip to somewhere that delights your hearts.

  14. I am sorry, Donna, so sorry. I just took a vacation that was lousy, though, and coming home completely unsatisfied about it all is tough, so perhaps you've been spared that feeling. I hope Jim will be regaining his strength and vitality very soon so you guys can start hoofing it out of there and playing again. God bless you both. Hugs!


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!