
July 30, 2014

Photo of the Week - Rockslide at Burr Trail

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah

Once we ventured down into Long Canyon on the Burr Trail, high sandstone cliffs greeted us on both sides of the road. They were beautiful and mesmerizing. But we also noted all of the huge boulders that were scattered at the bottom of the cliffs, evidence of monumental rockslides. We were glad to not be around when this particular rock face came tumbling down! That’s a dry creek bed in the foreground of the photo, though you might be tempted to think that it is a jeep trail.


  1. so beautiful isn't it! I am thinking if anyone was around when that rock slide happened , they got quite a scare .I am following the blog Donna (and Jim) ... your photos are amazing!

  2. That would have made quite the rumble! Rugged terrain...did you do any hiking? (I did think that was trail for off-roaders.)

  3. Such a pretty site. Would have been something to see that rock slide so long as it was from a distance.

  4. So glad you were there when it was not rumbling... great photo, magnificent scene.

  5. Very pretty. Yes, I think you're right about the "jeep" trail.

  6. Yikes! I wonder if there is any warning (noise? measured seismic activity?) when those rocks are getting ready to tumble?

    Yes, I'd have thought it was some sort of trail if you had not told us it was a dry creek bed. Such fascinating scenes...certainly nothing like what we see here in the East!

  7. Oh I love seeing your posts with photos from my lovely state. I makes me yearn to go there myself, but lately anywhere would be great. Still too weak to venture out of my humble abode. But I have had two great days of better energy moments so YAY for that! I loved your take on how Wisdom works and yes the young can learn quickly, too. I've witnessed it even in my 5 yr old granddaughter. (hug) to you and Jim!!!

  8. Beautiful photo from Utah. We hope to get back to that area sometime. There is always so much to see there..

    Hope you two are doing okay.

  9. Thanks for popping by Donna.
    Glad you enjoyed the Melbourne building/windows.
    Love your photo ...
    I think someone was trying to sculpt a dinosaur!

  10. We've always talked about going to Utah but have never made it...Beautiful shot Donna!

  11. Thanks for the encouraging words. I love the sliding into home plate as a visual. Awesome! Yes, this month of August will be the finale month. Bring it! I am sooooooooooooo ready!

  12. Amazing photograph Donna - the red rock against the deep blue sky is magical.
    Happy Sunday


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