
July 28, 2014

App Mini-Review - Frax

When Mr. Jim got sick earlier this year and we began to spend a lot of time at the Cancer Institute, I was mighty grateful to have an iPhone and iPad to pass the time and stay connected. I also decided to abandon my overly frugal attitude about purchasing apps. I concentrated on searching for helpful photography-related apps, but I also investigated the availability of art-related apps.

My mobile device world changed when I discovered Frax. I don’t even remember how I stumbled across it, but I’m sure glad that I did!

The version for the iPad is called Frax HD. The basic program costs $3.99. And, once I started playing around with it, I didn’t even hesitate to get the pro upgrade for $6.99. Yep, we’re talking big money for an app. But it has given me countless hours of entertainment, so I have absolutely no regrets! The iPhone/iPod Frax version is less expensive ($1.99 basic/$4.99 pro upgrade). However, I opted to go exclusively for the Frax HD version because I prefer a big screen for the visual effects. (Sorry, Android users, but this app isn’t currently available for your devices.)

What does Frax do? Quite simply, it generates spectacular graphic art images using fractal geometry. Here’s a brief video that shows its capabilities.

Use any images that you create with Frax for your own purposes, without any worry of license or copyright issues. Need a cool graphic for your blog? No problem. Want some beautiful graphic art for note card gifts? This will do it. Looking for a creative program that can entertain children (or you) on a rainy day? Got you covered. Want to create some cool wallpaper for your mobile device? Have at it! For example, here is what my iPhone lockscreen currently looks like.

And, below is a short slideshow that gives you a taste of some of my beautiful Frax images.

Fair warning: This app is very fun and addictive!


  1. Oh Donna! I just get so frustrated at times. Today is actually a very nice day, emotionally and physically for me. Yesterday was a "nightmare". It is really hard to feel good in a nightmare, right?

    When I was diagnosed, I didn't feel sick at all and my primary care dr said, "well that's good because you don't want to feel the cancer feelings." Yes, I don't want those but sometimes I am appalled at how sick chemo can make me feel. Cancer is such a frustrating disease. I am glad I have friends like you that are supportive and helpful.

    My post today is sarcastic and I want it to remain sarcastic because I that is how I feel today. But I still want to impress upon my readers that I am not happy but that my happiness will reappear when the sarcasm is gone; probably next post on Wednesday.

    Know you and Jim are in my prayers for sure! ♥

  2. How pretty! I love fractals and I can imagine how addictive this app would be.

  3. Wow!! I can see that would be a LOT of fun and yes, very addictive too! Aren't "toys for adults" wonderful?!

  4. I can see where you could pass a lot of time with this fun app!
    Thank goodness I don't have an I-phone.

  5. Oh, how fun!! Those images are fabulous! No i-Gizmo here...but if/when I make the move, I'll come to you for app recommendations! :D

  6. That is amazing and would be so much fun! I'll keep it in mind. I haven't had time to play around with a lot of the free ones we've loaded. I still love doing the watercolors though! Sweet hugs, Diane

  7. Good grief! That is amazing. And yet another app that isn't available to us Android users. I was still crying over Waterlogue. Now this. :-) Have fun. Definitely looks like it's worth the money.

  8. I'm an Android user. I'm weeping. ;-)

  9. Well it is obvious that all of you are techie Einsteins and I am an Igor....I know nothing. But I have to say I love this very much. xoxo,Susie

  10. Wow! I can see how this could be so addicting, thanks so much for sharing with us. Hope there's something similar out there soon for Android.

  11. I still have a dumb fun for me :(

  12. that looks like so much fun. and the ones you created are simply amazing. Just an android here though so no fun for me either

  13. I love it! I love it so much I bought it! LOL. Thank you for sharing, I really like all the fractals you are making, they are great. I already know how immersive those designs can be. :)

    So my all-time favorite iPad/iPhone app is Hayday. I've been playing it - every single day - for over a year. My Game Center name is Jackie7x7 - in case you decide to check it out. Hugs! May God bless your day.

  14. Oh boy, more things to play with. Love what you did with FRAX!

  15. Amazing! What fun! One more thing to play with and pass the time when things are tough. Thanks for sharing with us.

  16. I was mesmerize by the video, even if I did not want to create, it would be fun to just play with!! I hope your hubby is having a good spell, it's tough!



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