
July 23, 2014

Photo of the Week - Small Blind Arch

Burr Trail, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument

One of the many amazing geologic features in Utah’s sandstone is the blind arch. An inset like this is created when upper rock layers remain intact and lower portions have fractured and fallen. Some of these blind arches can be quite large, but this one is a bit on the small side, approximately 15 or 20 feet tall.

Believe it or not, we traveled down a road in this photo. If you look closely, you can see the faint outline of the road’s edge about a quarter of the way down from the top of the frame.


  1. Not sure that I see the road, but that must have been a trip! Who was driving?

  2. I think I can see where the road is. That had to have been some drive.

  3. you are very brave, not sure I could do that.

  4. I wouldn't have thought that a road was there! A road meaning "cars" and not "feet"? Amazing!
    Beautiful sights, beautiful photo!

  5. A Road??Hahaaa....NO Thanks!!Hahaaa! Beautiful shot though!

  6. Wow, what an amazing sight! God's creation is for us to enjoy! Thanks for sharing this beauty with us today.

  7. Beautiful! I would love to travel that road! Very cool!

  8. It doesn't look as though you took this from the road to me either...beautiful country and photo!

  9. The colours are wonderful Donna - very rugged country!

  10. Love the colors! So pretty.

  11. I like the red stone, something not found in Ontario but lots in PEI. The road is barely visible and it looks like a dangerous place to drive from here.

  12. Look at all that gorgeous red sandstone! Beautiful photo - and arch.

  13. Saw your blog on the sideline of Gyspy Farm Girl. Since I check out all "cottage" blogs I came for a visit. Signed up to follow. Your photography is just beautiful I am a want to be photography with a point and shoot Kodak camera, hah. I read farther back. So sorry about your husband's cancer. I am a survivor of sarcomas and just had a scare three weeks ago including surgery. But all is ok. I saw that you had surgery and a problem with low oxygen levels. I have that issue as well. Had a trigger finger surgery and woke up after being bagged. They said they didn't want to incubate me. Geez, it was super minor surgery. I wish the best for your husband. That is a wicked cancer. I hope things go well for him. A bit of DIL's grandmother is a survivor of the same cancer and has been for 25 plus years. Yes, she is in the record books living without a pancreas. She is 91 and still dancing at weddings. HUGS


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