
July 26, 2014

Photographic Mischief

Do you remember that I promised a post about some senior-style havoc that was afoot, thanks to the assistance of some photographic equipment? Well, I’m not going to keep you in suspense any longer. We haven’t created innocent mischief yet during our 2014 summer staycation. However, we hope to get out of our learning mode shortly. 

I can hear your thoughts now. “Gosh, what on earth is she blathering about?” Bear with me.

It all started in late June, about a week before our birthdays, after I read a photography-related post. I follow the activities and work of several professional photographers. One of them is Trey Ratcliff, a consummate HDR landscape photographer and avid world traveler. One of his recent posts (HERE) described with great hilarity about his detention by the Chinese police in Bejing. Trey was trying out his new quadcopter and gopro camera setup to capture some unique travel videos, and he accidentally flew it over some Chinese national intelligence buildings. Thankfully, he was able to talk his way out of it!

So I shared the story and Trey's cool video with Mr. Jim.

After a good laugh, Mr. Jim confessed to me that he had wanted to get a quadcopter. And, I confessed to him that I wanted to get a gopro camera. So we placed our birthday orders with B&H Photo!

Yes, yes, we promise to behave and not be pests with these new toys. We also don’t intend to fly them over any national intelligence buildings. But we do aim to have a little fun!


  1. oh, we'll start the bail money collections now...

  2. Will they let you blog from jail?

    Looking forward to the fun.

  3. How cool is that video?! Well these things make me nervous as all get out. Glad that you won't make yourselves a nuisance, but I can easily imagine how fun they will be! Hope that you'll share your results. Have fun, kids!

  4. Oh my goodness! These are so very cool! I had hubby look over my shoulder at your new toys! You know we all love neat toys like these! I know you'll have so much fun! Can't wait to hear all about the fun you're having as you learn to use them! Way to go! Big kids need fun toys, too! Sweet hugs, Diane

  5. I know several A-list attorneys. Buzz me when you need the digits.

  6. Oh that looks like lots of fun ahead for the two of you. If we happen to see your face on a most wanted poster we'll know

  7. Can't wait to see the results of your fun!

  8. Oh man! I can't wait to see what you do with these new toys. Fun.

  9. HOW FUN !!
    I'll save my pennies and contribute to your bail money......:)

  10. Yes! I hope you will give us detailed reports on how it goes for you!! Sounds like so much fun, I can hardly stand it! Hugs!

  11. I'll come see you in jail if I hear that you two have been detained! It sounds like fun! Can't wait to see your photos and hear more about your new equipment.


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