
August 7, 2014

App Mini-Review - Distressed FX

A whole new breed of artists has shaken up the photography world, thanks to evolving camera technologies built into our mobile phones and creative apps for capturing and editing images. These artists frequently employ texture techniques to give their photographs a painterly look. 

I have been a big fan of applying textures layers with Photoshop for many years. So I was excited to discover some apps for my iPhone and iPad that accomplished the same task. One of my favorite discoveries is called Distressed FX.

Below is an introductory video that showcases the app’s capabilities.

I purchased Distressed FX a couple of months ago and considered it a bargain at $0.99. For a limited time, downloads are now free! (I am sorry to report, Android users, that the app is not currently available for your devices.)

In my research about this app, I was happy to learn that the mastermind behind the app is a woman artist who lives in my town. How cool is that?


  1. Very cool! Thanks for that information. That app is at this moment downloading on my iPhone!

  2. No kidding! Yes that is very cool! :-)

  3. hmmmm - are you sure you're not the artist behind that app? You could do something like that! :)


  4. My hubby has been so sweet to download free photo apps! I'll tell him about this one! Now to find the time to use them! Sweet hugs! See you tomorrow!

  5. I'm sad this isn't available for Android users. Maybe someday it will be. It looks like a lot of fun!

  6. OH I hope they get an android app awesome...

  7. what a cool app. I need to ditch my smart phone and get an iphone

  8. That is a really neat app. Thanks for sharing it Donna. I may have to load that one. :)

  9. Very cool. I have downloaded it; however, there seems to be a glitch. Will try again.

  10. hi Donna, one the eve of my 6th and final chemo, I say a prayer for Jim! I say a prayer for you each time too, because you need to stay well for him. I am so glad my husband is well for me. He is my biggest cheerleader, servant and confidant. I am sure Jim feels the same for you. ♥

  11. Another great app for my iPad, thank you Donna.

  12. I looked for it - but it's no longer free - $1.29! I'm a day or two too late.
    It looks really good - being tight fisted I'll just bide my time!!!


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