
August 8, 2014

A Personal Photo Challenge - Animals

It’s time for A Personal Photo Challenge!Animals” is the theme this month.

A Personal Photo Challenge

As my long-time blogging friends know, I adore photographing animals. Domesticated and wild animal subjects pose challenges to even the most skilled photographer. Animal movements and expressions are unpredictable and fast. A study of their behavior helps to anticipate poses, and an intimate knowledge of equipment and settings is essential to capture moments that are fleeting. An animal photographer also gets to practice the virtue of patience!

I dipped into my photo archives for this challenge. It was tough to decide what animals to feature, but finally chose three images of mountain goats we encountered at Glacier National Park in Montana. It was easy to find these goats. They were conveniently wandering around the raised boardwalk area of the Hidden Lake Trail near the Logan Pass Visitor Center.

It is difficult enough to photograph wild animals, but this particular photo shoot presented additional problems. First of all, people are required to stay on the boardwalk to prevent damage to the fragile high mountain meadows. So I wasn’t able to move around freely to frame up the shots I really wanted. Second, I was fighting for position on the boardwalk because a crowd quickly formed. Short people like me are always at a disadvantage in a crowd! Third, the harsh, midday lighting was atrocious for white fur. I used exposure compensation settings on my camera, ensuring that highlights were not blown out. Thank goodness, I shoot RAW files. So I was able to successfully recover highlights and open up shadow details as part of my editing steps.

The pair of mountain goats was a nanny and its kid. They ventured out of a wooded area and wanted to cross the boardwalk. The nanny was sizing people up to decide whom she could safely cross by. After this captured look, she picked me. I was so close I could have reached out and touched her and the kid! But I honored her trust and stood still to let them pass.

After they crossed the boardwalk, the pair headed to a beautiful meadow for a little lunch. The adorable kid gave me this lovely pose.

And here is a scene where they are grazing together, framed up with a mountain backdrop.

I hope you enjoyed my photos and descriptions. Please visit A Personal Photo Challenge blog and check out the creative efforts of other participants too!


  1. The scene captured in the last photo is idyllic! They are beautiful animals and the last photo looks 3 they could walk off the page! Beautiful photography! Enjoy your afternoon and thanks again for the challenge! Sweet hugs, Diane

  2. I knew you would have something wild and amazing. Here we all are flaunting our cats and dogs. :-) Wonderful captures as I would expect from you and I love the look of deep concentration in the first photo.

  3. just beautiful! i'm actually going to link in to you tomorrow. my photo isn't anything near your quality, but i wanted to link in for once - especially with animals as the theme! :)

  4. Spectacular! The photos and the commentary. My favorite is the last...the two of them together in their environment...just incredible.

  5. Amazing! I loved seeing these beautiful animals through your lens!

  6. You certainly did not let the limitations stand in the way of getting some fabulous pictures!! Wow...fascinating up-close views of the kid and its mother! And yet, I also love the one with the mountain backdrop...

    Wonderful animal photos!!

  7. WOW! Don't you feel blessed when you experience wild animals so closeup? These shots are just amazing. The first one is the perfect portrait, the second one is darling and the third one is such an incredibly perfect shot of animals in their own environs. We are so lucky to have you leading us Donna. Your photography gives us all something to aspire to... THANK YOU!!!

  8. Please re read my post New information I didn't get chemo but I got blood. Odd day.

  9. Oh gosh Donna, these are so beautiful - especially love the first closeup, such an interesting angle.

    Glacier in Montana is one of my favorite parks- I enjoyed reading of your visit. I walked on many a wooden walkway installed to preserve indigenous flora in both the sub-Antarctic Islands, Antarctica, and Japan. it's always a good feeling knowing people are cognizant how easy it would be to kill the plants forever, and they go out of their way to protect them. One of our Antarctic guides actually showed us the walkway he hand-built by himself on South Georgia Island back in the '80's!

    The babe is so cute, and those flower-filled meadows really lush. Again another great challenge for us all - you are our inspiration Donna, many thanks.

    Happy weekend to you and Mr.Jim - Mary x

  10. Your photos are awesome! Thanks so much for hosting this fun challenge.
    Best, Sharon

  11. Your captures are stunning, we visited the Glacier National Park many years ago but sadly Logan's Pass was closed to vehicles at that time due to snow. Your wonderful photos make me want to go back once again. Thank you so much for this challenge and for all the advice which is much appreciated. Bon weekend.

  12. I love them all but that third one has a WOW factor to it that caught my eye

  13. WOW - Nanny seemed to know instinctively that you would protect them Donna!
    What a privilege to be up in the mountains - their territory.
    Wonderful captures - you always amaze me.
    I find animals the most difficult subjects, but I gave it a go!
    Thank you for hosting dear Donna.
    Wishing you and Mr Jim a very happy weekend.

  14. Donna, these are really beautiful photos of the mountain goats. Just stunning. Sorry, I won't be participating again this month. Our son's wedding is today. And I'm just checking out a few blogs cause I have nothing else to do. Ha! Hugs. Pam

  15. Calling by from the APPC today, lovely photos.

  16. Oh Donna, these are gorgeous! I might have tried to pet her...might...but better sense would have stopped me, not that I have much...Hahaa
    Have a sweet day and tell Mr Jim, Hey!

  17. Excellent as always. I do love Glacier and I am particularly fond of goats!!
    I think I am finally beginning to get it about highlights and shadows and what can be recovered if you underexpose.

  18. How wonderful - these are simply beautiful, Donna. You never fail to amaze with your photography! :)


  19. Oh those are stunning! how wonderful to be there to capture these guys!

  20. Wonderful post...I've always loved goats and with all the wildflowers, I would have loved being there! Enjoy your weekend and thanks again for hosting this great group!

  21. Oh wow....such beautiful animals! These are fantastic photos, Donna! And thanks again for this fun party!

  22. Ohhhh, how wonderful you were able to get such a great shot of those goats! I love getting close to wild life, though I am careful, I don't want to be attacked.....Thanks for posting!

  23. Wonderful photos, as always, Donna. The last one looks like a scene from Heidi!

  24. Oh goodness, how beautiful! Wow Donna. I have to tell you, when I saw the title before I clicked on the link, I thought, "oh! oh! I have great animal photos, too!" Then I saw yours and thought, "hmmmm, I'll keep mine under wraps for now". LOL. Hugs!

  25. Como são bonitos! O olhar é doce e atento! A paisagem é muito bela! Suas fotos sempre são uma iguaria visual! Obrigada!
    Um abraço!

    How beautiful they are! The look is sweet and attentive! The landscape is very beautiful! Your photos are always a visual delicacy! Thank you!

  26. I can't even find words for these amazing photos, Donna. They are all just stunning. I want that little sweet and so cute.
    Thanks so much for sharing these...and so much thanks for your party.
    It is one of my very favorites...and I have a couple, waiting patiently for their debut when their time comes. :)

  27. What a gorgeous creature, Donna! And you captured it so well. Also, the last photo reminds me of the book 'Heidi.' Beautiful scenery and critter.


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!