
August 17, 2014

Free Photography E-Books

The weather forecast here in east Tennessee is calling for a hot and humid week, with a high percentage of thunderstorms each day. That’s typical for August! We beat the heat by staying inside when it’s too oppressive, and we read a lot of books on our electronic devices (Kindles and iPad).

So I was happy to recently find a generous listing of free photography e-books. There are 46 in all, and the links can be found HERE and HERE. Perhaps you would like to read a few of these e-books too! Many of them are provided as pdf files, so you can easily save them to your computer. Go on and grab them while you can…


  1. Thanks so much for the links, Donna! There's so much good info out there...hard to have time to take advantage of it all. Enjoy your afternoon! Hugs, Diane

  2. Thanks for that info, Donna! I'll definitely be checking those out!

  3. I'll check them out also! We're supposed to get more rain here also. UGH! :)


  4. They're calling for rain here for the next week I think. I'm always up for a free book. Thanks for the links

  5. I found mine right away! Thanks.

    Stay cool in all that humidity!

  6. Thanks for sharing Donna, I'll see what's available.
    Stay cool!

  7. Hi Donna, we are having the same yucky weather.
    Thanks for sharing the links.

    I hope you are well n happy :)

  8. Thanks Donna ~ I will be checking those out soon.
    So sweet of you to share !

  9. Great! Thanks, Donna! Have a good week :)

  10. Thank you Donna.
    I'll pop over and have a look!
    You are always a great source of information for us - thank you for sharing!

  11. Oh thank you Donna! Did you see the IG stuff with my daughters and HM? We had a graduation party and all the nurses sang a ditty and they gave me a blanket that says "Hope" on it and my dd made a graduation cap and everything and roses. Thanks for your sweet prayers. I still need them for these next three weeks and then radiation starts. (-?) ♥

  12. great find! keep cool/warm dry as the case may be.

  13. That Groucho Marx quotation is one of my favorites, and I was just thinking about it yesterday. I also love the Woodrow Wilson quotation, "If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience." :-) Thank you for the links.

  14. Ha-funny quote!
    Thanks for the lead on the photography books.
    Believe me I could use them!

  15. Thank you for the information. I'm going to 'grab' me some reading and improve my skills!

  16. Thanks for this tip...maybe they will help even me. :)

  17. You find the Neatest sites! Thank you Miz Donna!!!


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