
August 13, 2014

Dry Creek Bed in Long Canyon

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah


  1. Gorgeous scenery...stunning photo!

  2. another just chock-full of color!

  3. Do you see it for what it is or are there storybook characters peeking out all over the place? I may have gone around the bend. What marvelous colors!

  4. I've been trying to re create this in my garden, unsuccessfully.

  5. Absolutely beautiful. What a perfect blue sky for a backdrop too. Not a cloud in the sky

  6. That area is so beautiful. You captured it well, my friend.

  7. hi sweet Donna! I am doing better and I am going to choose to NOT do chemo 6 tomorrow. See my post tomorrow, k? I have learned some things that will be better for me if I wait a week. I think my onco will agree. See ya on IG! ♥

  8. So many variations of colour and texture in this area. Any idea how long it's been since the dry bed did have water in it?

    1. Creek beds like this out west fill up with water whenever there is a storm event. And the water can come rushing through in a hurry! So don’t want to stand in one when there is bad weather a’brewing.

  9. Yes, know what you mean about them filling fast - I've seen the notice boards in those areas warning of the danger!

    I love looking at the layers, imaging all the storms that have occurred over thousands, perhaps millions, of years to wear away the rocks and create these 'paintings' of nature. I've only visited in hot, dry weather too - would love to actually be there - in a safe place - viewing a storm, wouldn't you?

    Happy weekend Donna & Mr. Jim - it's going to be a pretty one here I think.
    Mary XX

    P.S. Off to check out the bears and see how the fishing is going - haven't stopped by for a while!

  10. Wow - just, WOW! :)

    Hugs and prayers to you and Mr Jim.

  11. Those rocks have been there for quite a while - me thinks!!
    Amazing stories to be told I'm sure - majestic.
    Wishing you happy summer days dear Donna and Mr Jim.

  12. Really pretty.
    Hoping things are better for you and your sweetheart.


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!