
August 25, 2014

It's Time for More Prayers!

We hosted a dinner party last week for some neighbor friends. Instead of a big flower arrangement for our dining room table, I decided to feature a miniature bouquet at each place setting. Amber medicine bottles served as the vases. Vinca blossoms and fresh rosemary sprigs provided jaunty color. The mini-decorations were a hit!

Please keep us in your prayers this week. Mr. Jim will get an updated CAT scan this afternoon. Then we will meet with his oncologist on Wednesday to find out the results and decide on where we go from here.

On Tuesday, I will have a biopsy near my right eye. I’ve seen a total of six doctors for an ocular swelling condition, and I decided to allow the last doctor to perform the surgery. We assume that it is a benign inflammatory condition, but it is best to rule out possible underlying diseases. She will also take a little tuck on my eyelid to correct droopiness that has occurred in the past few months. Realignment of my right eye will have to wait for another time and another specialist.

We appreciate your warm thoughts, prayers, and friendship! I will provide an update later on this week, as time allows.


  1. As always keeping you guys in my thoughts that everything goes well for Mr. Jim and for your eye surgery.

  2. i do hope test results will be good!

  3. You and Mr. Jim will be in my prayers this week. I hope all goes well for both of you. Lovely little flower arrangement. Simply charming.

  4. Keeping you both in my prayers! Love your sweet little flower arrangement! xo

  5. Prayers for both hubby and you, Donna.

  6. Beautiful vincas! Prayers for you and Jim this week...hope you hear nothing but good news!

  7. Dear Donna
    I'm thinking of you both, please keep us posted.
    Really you've had more than your share of doctors and hospital visits this year to last you a lifetime.
    We have you both in our prayers, thoughts and hearts.
    Shane x

  8. Prayers and comfort for you both. So many of my friends are having the eye tuck for droopiness that obstructs sight. My sis is quite certain that I could benefit. Perhaps some year. I am sorry that you guys are dealing with multiple issues simultaneously. Praying for a good report for Jim and a good one for you, too. Love that you are hosting dinner parties! Those med bottles come in handy sometimes! Very pretty individual bouquets.

  9. Prayers every day, sometime several times a day. I love you both, and pray for the best results possible.


  10. thoughts, prayers and well wishes come to you both on a regular basis.
    I love the little arrangements you put at all the place settings. very pretty

  11. You and Mr. Jim are certainly in my prayers this week!!
    I love your dinner party flowers! I'll bet that these individual arrangements were enjoyed even more than a larger centerpiece would have been.

  12. Oh Dear Donna and Jim you are in my prayers daily, but I'll send up an extra special one for you both in the a.m.

  13. P.S. love the medicine bottles, the fact that they are empty is a good thing.

  14. Thanks for this update and I'll keep you both in thought and prayer over the next few days. I like your casual and pretty style for your dinner table. Blessings. Pam

  15. Donna, prayers for the both of you. God is good...he hears our prayers. My prayer is to have his mighty hands touch upon you both and heal whatever it is that is wrong.

    big hugs....

  16. oh goodness...keeping you both very close in my thoughts ...all the bestxx

  17. Hoping and praying that all comes out well.

  18. Thoughts, prayers and positive wishes to you both Donna. Hope things are going well.
    Love the individual flowers at each setting- what lucky dinner party guests!
    Gentle Hugs to you both

  19. Praying for you and Jim today and this week, Donna. Thank you for sharing these concerns with us.

  20. Oh Donna Girl!!!! Am sending tons of prayer for you Both!!!!
    Love Vinca!

  21. Dear Dear Donna... You know I am praying for you and Jim. I really hope this eye thing gets resolved soon. You have had your share and more!!
    It's good that you can distract yourself with something as normal as a dinner party. I think I would just have my head under the pillow.

  22. I hope all has gone well with both appointments, Donna.
    I will be praying and waiting for news.

  23. I'm glad you feel comfortable updating us dear Donna. We pray daily for you and Mr. Jim and hope the CAT scan will bring a good report, and that your eye biopsy will also reveal nothing too serious.
    I'm in Maine now and it's so lovely with perfect weather -
    Love, Mary

  24. Prayers coming your way, every day. God bless you both!

  25. You both continue to be in my prayers! My dear, little mother is going through some eye issues. One surgery down - another to go in the near future. It keeps us all running but we are doing what needs to be done, as you two are. Sending bunches of hugs!


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!